A Frigate and a Submarine in Havana
Russia to arm unknown rebels in unknown places in response to NATO declaration of war
[Russian Federation submarine Kazan. 2021-05]
Published: 2024-06-07
Updated 2024-06-08: Added Doctorow reference for Russian response and Ansar Allah.
And we can't even supply Ukraine with 155mm shells!
— Larry Johnson
Today, Antiwar informed us that the US ran nuclear missile tests from California to 4 200 Km away in the Marshall Islands on June 4th to 6th. Andrei Martyanov informed us that the Russian Navy Frigate Gorshkov and submarine Kazan are to visit Cuba on June 12.
[800 Km circles]
The US continues to provide political support at the UN Security Council with its veto, and weaponry funded by its tax payers to the genocide which Israel has been running for 8 months, and is continuing, in Gaza and the West Bank. This, despite the UN's court, the International Court of Justice finding a prima face case against Israel for genocide under the treaty to which it is signatory, and twice issuing interim measures instructing Israel to stop.
Israel and its political and military backers, which include the UK and Germany, are not just flaunting international law, but declaring their moral decrepitude.
The US and senior NATO members UK, France and Germany have officially given approval for "Ukraine" to fire their weaponry into the 1991 borders of the Russian Federation. Those missiles, whether surface to surface or surface to air, are operated by NATO crews. They use NATO intelligence for targeting. They use NATO satellites for guidance. They are fired by NATO in Ukraine at Russia. This is a NATO declaration of war on Russia.
There is no other way to read it.
Media: The MSM
The Washington Post has just issued a hit-piece on The Grayzone. Joseph Menn's article states that "hacked" documents reveal that a Grayzone contributor was once paid by PressTV, Iran's English language news channel. Menn believes this is somehow terrible. Gilbert Doctorow, an informed geopolitical commentator, regularly appears on PressTV to provide useful commentary. He is surely paid for this too. Is not Menn also paid by WaPo? From this 'fear of the other' beginning, Menn then insinuates some nasty 'foreign' influence at The Grayzone.
The Grayzone has released two of the most important investigative journalism series in recent years. One, by Max Blumenthal, exposed the connection between the CIA via a US gambling magnate to UC Global which was spying on Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. The evidence was used in a Spanish Court in proceedings against UC Global which further exposed the spying.
The US, France and the UK attacked Syria with tens of missiles claiming a chemical attack by Syrian President al Assad as justification. Aaron Maté followed the trail from the UN's chemical weapons watchdog, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), via their whistleblowers declaring that reports issued by the watchdog were watered down. In reports published by The Grayzone, Maté revealed that the US had been undermining the integrity of the OPCW, and in an interview its first Director General Jose Bustani revealed that John Bolton had threatened his family, in just the same way as the head of Mossad was recently revealed to have threatened the lead prosecutor at the International Criminal Court.
As Vijay Prashad from the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research titled the most recent newsletter: “Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia”.
Interestingly, on the WaPo front, Joseph Menn might himself do with a bit of influence from PressTV, as they have reported on the US government's allegedly unconstitutional seizure of Scott Ritter's passport, whereas Menn's paymaster has not.
The Menn piece is just another from the latest version of the systems of narrative control employed by US government and non-government institutions; a part of the MICIMATT as Ray McGovern puts it. The Disinformation Industry, hot-housed in Universities and strange little private ventures like NewsGuard, finally hit the big time with an announcement by the Department of Homeland Security, a bastard child of the 9/11 crimes. The Disinformation Governance Board was born to much ridicule for the Mary Poppins like singing idiot who headed it. The Industry itself is far more dangerous. The Menn piece at WaPo can be viewed as just one of its products, attacking the credibility of news organisations which do a far better job than they.
On the pure propaganda front, the Telegraph has been running a series providing a platform for various individuals to answer the fictitious question of "What if Russia wins the war in Ukraine?"
The six articles to date are pure scaremongering, which exposes the project as just another effort, like that at WaPo, of FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. This ancient tactic is both boring and effective on those who do not have the time to think about the media they consume. These warriors of narrative and truth attribution are charlatans.
Indeed, the whole basis of the Disinformation Industry is the quicksand of hubris. The disinfo warriors are claiming to know more than you, to advise you on what you should trust or who you should read. It is as unamerican as it gets.
Enjoy ridiculing the articles at The Telegraph, if you have the time. They contain a gallows humor, if one understands the territory they are propagandizing. Here are the sub-titles to give you a taste of the treats on offer:
A Russian victory would unleash a cascade of events triggering irreversible changes, pushing the world to the brink of chaos
The death of Western democracy is now highly conceivable, with a return to authoritarian strong men no longer a far fetched fantasy
Sexual violence, ethnic cleansing, and mass executions are all part of the Russian playbook. We must wake up to what its victory would mean
If Kyiv falls, the Baltics, Moldova, and Balkans are at risk – not just from tanks, but from hybrid warfare which wouldn’t break Article 5
The impact of an engorged Russia would unfurl over decades, touching every corner of the earth, and wreaking havoc on the global economy
A Putin triumph would hugely empower his fellow autocrat Xi Jinping. This would be calamitous for the West
Their fear is that the WW3 provoking and genocide supporting hegemon may not rule the world any more.
Media: the Independent
Alternatively, out there in the vast expanse of the independent media there are many high quality products on offer. A recent interview of Larry Johnson on Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis' show Deep Dive provides an excellent example.
Davis has been awarded two military honors (Bronze Stars), one for bravery and the other for excellence in administration. This signifies that he understands the gruesome nature of war and how to run one (or perhaps not to run one). He joins many other US colonels who are well qualified in their criticism of their government's blind foreign policies, and particularly the dangers and stupidity of their use of the US military in them.
Davis began the program with an informative introduction, setting the context for the show. With this achieved, he asked his audience for comment via chat, essentially running a chat version of talkback radio. He smoothly continued with the selected topic, weaving the audience responses into the program. This was all ad lib, as his guest has been delayed.
Larry Johnson, in St. Petersburg, joined him for the program to address the most serious of topics, the escalation which is under way between two nuclear super-powers. Davis had prepared two video quotes from Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to frame the discussion. The topic of escalation was considered from both sides, that of the US and its recent behaviour, and the same for Russia.
I highly recommend watching the show for both the intelligence of its commentary, and to appreciate the professionalism displayed in it by Davis and his, probably very small, production team.
This tiny team put establishment media to shame.
FIRE and Brimstone
In "Supporting Genocide to Halt Multipolarity", Pepe Escobar provides an overview of the known geopolitical transition which is under way; the de-dollarization, the BRICS+/SCO expansion, the failure for the FIRE (Financialization, Insurance and Real Estate) economies, the rejections of the ["we make up the"] Rules Based ["on you follow the"] Order[s] hegemonic system.
In it he delves into a schism which Alastair Crooke has been working on describing; a conflict in ethics which is ripping the white supremacist, colonial, European order apart. Larry Johnson, a week or so ago, on a Judging Freedom episode made a statement which a person with such geopolitical insight as Escobar also thought worthy of consideration. Johnson was relating that which a source had written to him in an email:
Today, I listened to an extensive interview with an IDF ex-intelligence officer. His position was clear: ‘We are,’ he said, ‘aiming towards a world war’ (italics mine). Israel, therefore, shouldn’t stop itself from implementing some of the most radical measures because its actions will be measured retroactively in the context of the brutal world conflict to come.
We have learned, as discussed between Davis and Johnson, what Russia's initial response to NATO’s declaration of war will be. Russia will follow Iran's suit, arming resistance movements with advanced weaponry, but this time, not aimed at Israel, rather aimed at the US. Ansar Allah in Yemen are the obvious potential, initial recipients, for they could sink a US Navy ship or two. The three nations in former Françafrique which this newsletter has been following, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, may be other recipients.
Russia is returning the favour of arming proxy forces against the US. The US has bases everywhere, and very few countries like having them. Larry Johnson is quite correct in his analysis that the US does not think about the consequences of their actions. Their hubris, just like that of their disinfo warriors, blinds them.
All I can hope, is that all of the worlds' nuclear weapons stay in their armories, unarmed or disarmed, forever.
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US Test Fires Two Unarmed Minuteman III Nuclear ICBMs, Dave DeCamp, Antiwar, 2024-06-06
Zircons Paying A Visit.., Andrei Martyanov, Reminiscence of the Future..., 2024-06-06
Supporting Genocide to Halt Multipolarity, Pepe Escobar, The Unz Review, 2024-06-06
Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2024), Vijay Prashad, TISR, 2024-06-06
Report from Donbas., Guy Mettan, Natylie's Place: Understanding Russia, 2024-06-06
St. Petersburg Update and My Chat With Colonel Danny Davis from the Mansarda Restaurant, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, 2024-06-06
see below for the video with Davis
The Washington Post Is Pure AIDS, And Other Notes, Caitlin Johnston, Caitlin's Newsletter, 2024-06-06
Washington Post Smears The Grayzone, Accuses Its Leaders of Taking Iranian Money, Max Blumenthal, ScheerPost, 2024-06-08
Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes case: Report, Al Jazeera, 2024-05-28
US authorities take Scott Ritter off plane to Russia, seize his passport, PressTV, 2024-06-04
Search: Sheldon Adelson (the CIA/Assange connection), The Grayzone
Search: OPCW, The Grayzone
Six of the best from the Disinformation Industry via The Telegraph:
Putin’s plot to destroy Nato is reaching its devastating climax, Aliona Hlivco, The Telegraph, 2024-05-29
Putin’s master plan for Europe is bearing fruit, Thomas Clausen, The Telegraph, 2024-05-30
If Putin wins, expect the worst genocide since the Holocaust, Karolina Hird, The Telegraph, 2024-05-31
Putin’s next conquests are already in his sights, Ivana Stradner, The Telegraph, 2024-06-01
With Ukraine’s resources, Putin would be unstoppable, Liliane Bivings, The Telegraph, 2024-06-02
China will take the mantle of world superpower from the United States, Matthew Henderson, The Telegraph, 2024-06-03
Cognitive Infrastructure: The Plumbing of a Ministry of Truth, YesXorNo, 2022-11-02
Disinformation is power : Navigating the 5th Estate, YesXorNo, 2021-08-25
The Sahel: A Trifecta of US Self-Coups, YesXorNo, 2024-05-13
Daniel L. Davis, Wikipedia
Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, Gilbert Doctorow, Gilbert Doctorow, 2024-06-07
Putin Threatens to Strike U.S. w/ Larry Johnson from RUSSIA, Davis interviews Johnson, Daniel Davis / Deep Dive, 2024-06-06
Russians, Sting (from Dream of the Blue Tutles, 1985).
I hope the US military brass love their children, too.
Copyleft: CC0
Well compiled here. It's sad that we are living in societies run by rogues, madmen and fools. We all deserve better,