Published: 2024-04-25
Dear Community,
The rate of publishing at this newsletter will soon reduce for a while. This must happen to make room for new elements of my life.
I am moving to be with my soul mate. This requires physical relocation and finding new work. Fortuitously, the location is that of my teenage years. I have friends and old institutions with which to reconnect.
I am humbled by your engagement with this newletter. I treasure the gift of your time. It has been the wind in the sails and water under the journey of this newsletter. My thanks for that gift and the opportunity to publish will continue into this new phase of my life. I look forward to seeing how it suffuses into the newsletter.
I wish you all well on the journeys you are taking,
Wishing you all the very best. I can barely keep up with everything that you thoughtfully provide anyway and a break will probably be a good thing for you.
Good Luck YesXorNo!
Never deny love!
I'll miss your thoughtful analysis and copious compendium of news.