An Israeli Catastrophic Counter-Intelligence Failure
Destroying civilian infrastructure as a foundational element in ethnic eradiction.
[Eve of Destruction – by Mr. Fish, the title graphic to the article by Chris Hedges published at Scheerpost.]
Published: 2023-11-22
Ethnic Cleansing is becoming Ethnic Eradication
On Oct 7th 2023 the world learned that the much vaunted Israeli Intelligence Service was caught completely off guard by a surprise attack by Hamas. This light infantry force, which has to train in secret and smuggle its small arms through a border so heavily surveilled that is is described as imposing a siege on Gaza, managed to escape Gaza's encirclement, raid into Israel and return with hostages. The operation has been described by military experts as a "textbook" operation. It achieved its objectives and did not over extend itself.
Since, the world has learned that Israel is on a Jewish crusade to wipe all Palestinian life from the surface and subterranean tunnels of Gaza. The IDF are razing hospitals and schools and any other vestige of civil infrastructure so that there will be nothing left for Gazans to return to when the military component of the Zionist's revenge pauses.
These statements are being made by veteran journalists and former senior military and intelligence officers and diplomats. The world agrees with them.
The Bait
During Alastair Crooke's most recent interview on Judging Freedom he reveals that it is not only Israel's Intelligence service which has failed them, but their Counter-Intelligence service too. To assist the viewer in accepting that Mr Crooke knows about such things he begins by informing them of how Hezbollah fed Israeli intelligence via foreign workers in Lebanon false targeting information as to the headquarters of Hezbollah and thus where their leader Nasrallah was located. Israel took the bait back in 2006 and bombed the location to smithereens to no effect other than enraging the local population.
In the case of the recent attack by Israel's IDF on al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, Crooke informs us that this was another misinformation campaign which Israel's professional counter-intelligence services totally failed to identify. Israel's Zionist leadership predictably took the bait, declaring to the world that under the hospital lay Hamas' headquarters, as they bombed the hospital and attacked it with heavy munitions killing patients, doctors, babies and more importantly destroying the hospital.
One piece of their 'evidence' of some 'command structure' was analyzed by Richard Medhurst. The video amounted to a piece of paper with the days of the week written in Arabic, a baby bottle, a shoelace, some curtains, a toilet and two small collections of light arms which just could have been placed there by the IDF themselves. As Richard Medhurst astutely noted, IDF soldiers wear body cameras to provide live intelligence data to their commanders. If they wanted to prove anything, this was the footage which they should have used. It too could have been staged, but that would have involved actual work. Larry Johnson goes one step further, he states that the videos themselves show that they are propaganda, that the IDF has placed some of the ‘incriminating items’ in the videos.
What has occurred is that Israeli has fallen for a bait which they just could not resist. Doing so, their leadership have exposed to the world in live imagery that the Zionist's hatred of Palestinians in Gaza goes beyond any morality. The Israeli leaders who ordered this are pathologically evil. There is no other way to describe destroying a hospital full of doctors, the sick, and children and babies. A hospital represents, along with the schools they have been destroying, the core of what a civilized society can do to care for its people and educate their young.
This is what Israeli soldiers are destroying at the explicit instruction of their political masters. This is not “a few bad apples”. This is the coordinated use of Israel’s national military to perform genocide via ethnic eradication, and to produce propaganda to lie to the western world as they do it. It is vile.
A clever counter-intelligence operation by Hamas revealed the reprehensible, "chosen people", racist beliefs of the Zionist Israeli political leadership by the war crimes they commanded. Practitioners of martial arts will appreciate how Hamas has used the strength of their oppressors against them. Intelligence professionals worldwide will be aghast at this second disastrous intelligence failure in weeks. They will note, as Crooke has, that Israel has not learned from previous counter-intelligence failures. They seem to have a blind spot when it comes to killing Muslim Arab civilians.
The orchestrated false intelligence had 'mis-information' written all over it. It aligns perfectly with Israel’s political leadership’s motives. Blind hatred prevented Israeli counter-intelligence from noticing or their leadership from caring about it. They really do not care. Israel's racist, Zionist, political leadership appears to want to destroy every hospital in Gaza. Colonel Macgregor thinks they will succeed.
Israel's leadership, through the IDF, is destroying far more than Gazan civilian infrastructure.
NB: I am somewhat misusing the term ‘Counter-Intelligence’ here. Counter-Intelligence is the service which identifies persons with access to classified government information who are passing that type of information to parties not authorized to recieve it, or in layman speak, foreign spys or their informants. It is the regular intelligence service which is meant to examine intelligence and identify information obtained which is delibertately false, “disinformation” in modern parlance. The propostition which Crooke is arguing is that Israeli Intelligence is failing to counter disinformation.
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Israel's War on Hospitals, Chris Hedges, ScheerPost, 2023-11-20
US Says Israel Has 'Right' to Expand Military Operations in South Gaza But Wants a Delay, Dave DeCamp, Antiwar, 2023-11-19
Alastair Crooke (fmr British Diplomat ): Evaluating Israel's Moral Justifications, Napolitano interviews Crook, Judging Freedom, 2023-11-20
Col. Douglas Macgregor: Forecasting Global Security: The Israel Question and WWIII, Napolitano interviews Macgregor, Judging Freedom, 2023-11-20
Israel Storm Al Shifa Hospital, Find Nothing | GAZA WAR UPDATE | Bin Laden'\''s Letter to America, Richard Medhurst, 2023-11-16
Ray McGovern (fmr CIA): From Cold War to Cyber War: The Evolving Role of CIA Spying, Napolitano interviews McGovern, Judging Freedom, 2023-11-20
Larry Johnson (fmr CIA): Are Neocons Coming to reality?, Napolitano interviews Johnson, Judging Freedom, 2023-11-20
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 Pathetique | Dresden Philharmonic & Marek Janowski, uploaded by DW Classical Music on 2012-10-17
Copyleft: CC0
I have no doubt most of the Israeli army soldiers and civilian population were made to believe they suffered a surprise attack—perhaps within the first few minutes—but not by the second or third hour.
Nobody should be characterizing this as an intelligence or counter-intelligence “failure,” any more than what happened on 9/11 in the United States two decades ago or the current Scamdemic. The only thing “intelligence” miserably failed at was convincing those of us familiar with FalseFlag operations, and the average Vaxxed simpleton, that this was a “real” surprise attack by a real cleaver enemy.
We’re not just talking about super-unnatural mistakes or a series of multiple oversights by Israeli intelligence before, during and after the attack. We, the entire world, are being asked or force-fed made to believe that all of the worlds most wealthiest investigative reporters, the United States NSA, CIA, FBI, State Department, Military Intelligence…the United Kingdom MI6… Jesus, must I list all of NATO’s intelligence assets who must have been aware—and so therefor complicit?
War and Weapon Investors do not build weapon manufacturing plants, design and assemble these types of weapons requiring parts from all around the world (wether simple C4 or complex weaponized contagions), then sell them to rogue terrorists without the most powerful intelligence agencies on earth knowing or being a part of it, if not in total control of the entire process, and that incudes the bankers and those who track and transfer money who were also involved. Nobody should believe terrorisms (FalseFlag Ops) occur in total secrecy, undetected and funded strictly by the transferring of unmarked currencies, other weapons, slaves, diamonds and gold, though I’m sure funding these terror operations requires some of these clever laundering methods—just like the trillions lost through the Pentagon each administration cycle.
Those at the very top of the Israeli command structure, whether political, military or Mossad, must have not only known of this attack well in advance, but had been a key player, if not in total control of the entire FalseFlag operation—which is most probable. Ask any of the World Press Club reporters imbedded with humanity’s “enemy” on both sides of the fence—before, during and after—as the total destruction of Palestine and the slaughtering of all civilians continues to this day.