Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal in Washington D.C, the Capital of a Rogue State
Including Amy Goodman, Srecko Horvat, Ben Wizner, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Jeremy Corbyn, Stefania Maurizi, Maragret Kunstler, Stephen Donziger, John Shipton, and many more.
Published 2023-01-20
The video is originally published by DemocracyNow! and Consortium News.
Presentations by the panel warn the peoples and government of the USA about where this insane, continued prosecution of a publisher who has only published truth is leading them and their system of government.
Srecko takes the opportunity to mention two all too forgotten names. Sarah Harrison both worked on documents supplied to and published by Wikileaks and was they key assistant to Edward Snowden in escaping Hong Kong (only to be trapped in Russia because his government, the USA, cancelled his valid passport whilst on route via a Moscow airport to Latin America). Jacob Appelbaum is a security researcher who also worked on documents leaked to Wikileaks and on the Snowden documents. He was later tried by public opinion and ejected from the Tor Project. These persons are not the focus of the tribunal. I thank Srecko for illuminating the connection between Assange, Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and national security reporting.
Each presentation raises different aspects of the blatant abuse of human rights, legal processes, extra-territorial over-reach of domestic law, freedom of the press, the public’s right to know what their government is doing in their name, the rampant illegality of “intelligence” services, the abuse of UN mandates, the subjugation of bilateral treaties on extradition, the litigation of publishing truth as spying, condemnation of the principle of asylum, the USA executive’s pure spite at their constitution’s first amendment, their distain for the recommendations from editors of the leading western media publishers and human rights organizations and the principle of attorney client privilege.
The collusion between the USA, UK, Sweden and Australia to persecute the man exposes all of the above. This indicts these governments at least as much as the documentation of crimes which Wikileaks has already published.
The west’s confiscation of the national reserves of the governments of Venezuela, Afghanistan and Russia, thus demonstrating a complete lack of respect for property, and the USA and EU’s use of economic sanctions, combine with the above abuse of legal and human rights against Assange to leave them with not a leg on which to stand when making any moral argument.
They have damned themselves as duplicitous hypocrites.
WATCH: Belmarsh Tribunal on Assange, Consortium News, 2023-01-20
“Funk Monks”, Red Hot Chili Peppers from the 1991 album “Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik”
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