
Automating the References for Week in Review

A natural toolset extension

Published: 2023-12-03

Automating the References for Week in Review

Based on the yxn-stash tool which grabs the details for a headline from a page via its URL, a tool yxn-aw-weekly was built which takes that ability and extends it out.

The new tool calculates whatever 'last Sunday' is from 'now' and then heads off to Antiwar.com and pulls in the pages which list the news articles. It grabs the URLs for news articles until it has found all of them between 'now' and up to and including 'last Sunday'. yxn-aw-weekly then flings these assembled URLs at yxn-stash and says "grab all of this". This data is collected and printed which I, the user of the tool, then have written to a file.

This video will be included in an article with other material, at some time, to make a story from this little journey.

If you’ve come across this before that is done, well, good onya. 😊

Copyleft: CC0

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