Published: 2024-07-28
Why have BRICS+ and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) become such a heavyweight counter to the US/NATO/G7 geopolitical block?
Because they can and because they must.
The core reason is the foreign policy of the US and EU executive branches, the ostensibly “democratic” political fronts of the Western block. But, before getting to that, it is worth taking a foreign view of the narratives which the Western block publishes.
The representative of the block is the US, so all narrative elements are best judged against its performance against them. The narratives amount to "human rights", including freedom of expression, and in media, but interestingly not the rule of law which got dropped a couple of decades ago. The other key narrative is 'exporting democracy' or 'upholding democracy'.
Beginning with democracy, a Gilens and Page article confirms that expressed by Prof. Lawrence Lessig. US domestic policy is entirely driven by funding donors. There is no correlation between the will of the people as expressed in polling and domestic policy. The correlation is purely for the wishes of the political donor class. Prof. Lessig expressed this by renaming the US as "Lesterland" as the frequency of name Lester in the US matches the percentage of people who donate to political parties. That percentage is 0.00043%. This is to say that 99.999% of US citizens are politically disenfranchised.
This is the "democracy" which the US is telling the rest of the world that the West wishes to export to it.
There are various terms to better describe the US system. Ray McGovern coined "MICIMATT" to which I like to add a 'C' for "MICCIMATT": Military Industrial [Corporate] Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank complex. This is the SYSTEM of grift which runs the US. Prof. of Economics Sheldon S. Wolin used the term Inverted Totalitarianism. Terms like "Deep State" or "Establishment" fail to grasp the size of the complex or system. A simple summary of it is that the legislature funds and creates laws for the executive arms of government to ensure the profits of a privileged class of industries which are owned by a tiny fraction of the population. The oligarchs who dominantly profit from this system allow enough "trickle down" to support the wider system, via tax-free donations to think tanks, advertisements to a compliant media, and paying political appointees.
This is what the rest of the world sees as the "democracy" which the US is trying to export. With it come "identity politics" and over the last decade the clamoring for rights of minority groups. These sit as a ghastly Punch and Judy show in front of the complete repression of the majority of the governed from a foreign perspective.
But, this is not the problem. So long as the US just continued this stupidity for itself, nobody would care.
Instead, the major industrial corporate sectors Big "X" (Oil, Ag, Pharm, Mining, Arms Manufacturing and Finance) have their needs met via violent foreign policy. The US government prioritizes its for-profit arms industry by spending 50% of its budget on it. This has been manifested world-wide since the "peace dividend" at the end of the last Cold War was squandered on military and then "full spectrum" dominance. This delusional belief that a club of white, Christian, colonial nations comprising 1/7th of the world's population based on a smaller ratio of land area could follow the Wolfowitz doctrine of eternal hegemony is being smashed against the reality of a finite planet. The other 6/7th of the world are seeking refuge from the political, economic and military violence spewd forth by the political puppets of the West's control freaks.
The last fortnight has contained within it two events which are exquisitely emblamatic of the violence and embrace of extremism which are fundamental to the club of colonist nations. The first was the latest in a parade of US political assassinations, again played out on live television. The rest of the world laughed as the US cable "news" talking heads could not understand what was happening as presidential candidate Trump followed the instructions he had earlier received when he was president. "If you get shot at, hit the deck".
The talking heads had no idea what was happening. Trump did. In a moment of political mastery, partially shielded by the close protection detachment of the Secret Service, Trump stood again, fist raised, with his blood across his face, yelling "fight" to the gathered crowd. The US public will end up with exactly the same understanding displayed by the talking heads: nothing. There will be no proper investigation. Not that it matters. It has been so long since the Congress has prosecuted someone for perjury before a committee that everyone has forgot that they can and should demand the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The second event of piercing significance was not a sitting first term president withdrawing from re-election. No, it was the audience response to an invited speech. The congress gave dozens of standing ovations to a man who the International Criminal Court is seeking to prosecute for crimes against humanity. A man who is the political leader of a nation which the UN court, the International Court of Justice, has deemed must answer to a plausible case of genocide.
And the Congress stood, again, and again, and again, and again to applaud the fire hydrant of lies which gushed forth from the criminal's mouth. They sprayed themselves in utter contempt.
The reasons for these most despicable acts of sycophancy are many. One is enough: the criminals in the audience are complicit in the systematic murder of the children, and other civilians, in Gaza and the West Bank. As Jonothan Cook so forcefully wrote, Israel is a US project. Israel's genocide is a US genocide. The systematic murder of indigenous people is the common, fatal sickness of the Zionists and the US establishment. This is not an accident. It is not a mistake. They are allocating tax payer funds to achieve it. They know what they are doing and they mean it.
There is no other conclusion which one can reach.
The rest of the world is banding together to protect themselves from the dispicable evil which the US and its vassals inflict upon them.
The war in Ukraine is just another example of the same exceptionalist, arrogant industrial evil. The US and the EU have undermined every single offer of peace. They allocated public funds resulting in the death of an entire generation of young Ukrainian men. Their voters are just starting to see the immoral insanity of this. The solution is to bankrupt Europe by issuing loans to Ukraine which will never be repaid.
The smoke and mirrors are to magically base these loans on the profits of the impounded foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Russia. They care not one whit about the irreparable damage which this has done to Europe's financial institutions. These are crazy zealots who are working for a tiny elite profiting from this. They are not considering the obvious consequences because they dont give a shit. Its other peoples' money, the public, and be damned with them.
All of this can be seen by intelligent observers in every nation who do not drink the kool-aid published in the Wests' media. The US is seriously diminishing its influence and damaging itself. It is destroying Europe with the complicity of European leaders and the EUrocrats. The behaviour by the commission and the bureaucratic head of the Council of Europe towards Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's efforts to create a dialogue towards peace is reprehensible. These war mongers do not get the excuse of being blind. The know how many Ukrainians are dying every day. They know the sizes of the unrepayable debt being issued to Ukraine which will default on the EU. Their actions are fiscally suicidal and morally repugnant.
If one zooms out and understands the analysis which Jacques Baud has been offering, that the war is not just one of attrition, but one of an entire national economy, one can see the end without even looking at the disaster which is befalling the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield. Ukraine is going to financially implode.
Ukraine is about to default on its debt. How many officers will lead their soldiers when they are not being paid and cannot feed their family? Russia does not need to do anything but maintain pressure and achieve the odd victory to satisfy its population. Ukraine is doomed. Everybody knows this. Russia controls the gas-pedal of how fast NATO destroys Ukraine and the EU gets left with the bill.
While the US continues on its merry military-industrial-complex way with no strategic vision, BRICS and the SCO are carefully engaging in diplomacy among themselves and between groups divided by the West. Their own negotiations are dominated by trade and trade infrastructure. That infrastructure is not just railroads and ports, but international banking institutions and trade exchange mechanisms. The mission is simple, to facilitate trade outside of US dominated institutions, frameworks and currencies. This removes the economic realm of the US "full spectrum dominance".
Some of them, Russia and China, have already established social media type systems which avoid the US versions, infested with "intelligence community" troll armies and attached to fibre splitters to snarf up all the data. The same is true in network and software offense/defense; Russia and China have their own capable teams to defend their own digital infrastructure and refuse to purchase it from the West. That media narrative and trade war about Huawei was all about the US maintainng its privileged access to the world's network infrastructure and not allowing the Chinese manufacturer in, else the Chinese military's network offense teams would get to play inside other people's networks.
The BRICS/SCO diplomatic faciliation between nations divided by the West is changing the geopolitical map. The recent détente between Saudi Arabia and Iran has significantly changed southwest Asia, undoing a division which Israel has coveted.
Turkiye's recent re-establishment of relations with Egypt has the SCO and China written all over it. This was another major shift which further isolated the US proxy, Zionist colony. Israel's only 'friend' is its neighbor Jordan, and that situation is very difficult for Jordan's King.
Iran's retaliation for the attack on its Damascus embassy has utterly changed security calculations in southwest Asia. Iran defeated the entire West's best missile defenses. Nobody can defend themselves against Iran if Iran wants to attack them.
Turkiye's recent expression of interest to join BRICS (or was it to become a full member of the SCO -- it doesn't matter) is a "game changing" threat to NATO. Poland may be happy, as it would replace Turkiye as the second strongest military, but NATO would be seriously denuded. Imagine the US losing access to hosting nuclear missiles in or using air or other bases on the Anatolian peninsula? It still has Greece, but where's the next nation eastward on these latitudes which will host nuclear weapons or a large military base? There are none, except for Iraq, but that opportunity has disappeared due to US ineptitude in starting and running the dirty war in Syria. Pakistan wont host a large base. Neither will India. Far futher south, Diego Garcia will just have to do, until the Chagos Islanders finally get some justice and the US has to abandon that too.
One of the brutal realities of peer-tier war has been re-exposed during the Ukraine conflict. Many knowledgable commentators like Col. Macgregor and Ritter have provided analysis based on it: logistics. The bottom line is that you cannot sustain a war like the one in Ukraine from the other side of the planet. Its hard enough on your doorstep. The head of the NATO supreme command in Europe stated that they had not anticipated a war on the scale of that which is being fought on the shrinking territory of Ukraine.
Please humor me with a little thought experiment. The US gins up a war with China and nobody uses nuclear weapons. This is a shitty caveat, because in every single simulation that the US has been done, the war game is stopped because somebody decided to use nuclear weapons. But, bear with me.
Firstly, there is no way that the US can conquer China: too many people and too big. All the US could possibly do is have millions of Chinese starving and running some revolution. That is the only possible US victory. Thus, this must be a central part of US strategy and all China needs to do is care for its people while it deals with the US.
So, the first thing the US will need to do is block as much of China's imports as possible, to starve and stress the Chinese people.
Do you now understand what the Belt and Road Initiative is? It is an Asia-wide trade network, an Asia-wide logistics network, a manner of securing access to essential resources like food, in case the US tries to do something really stupid.
The BRI is the largest trade and defense, transport and logistics, project ever attempted. Its success will lock China in as a, or the, world leading economy to the end of this century. It should also raise the living standards of most of the people in Asia. Once it is sufficiently well established, which might be just about now, there is nothing the US, or anyone else outside of Asia can do about it.
But, without it, China is vulnerable to the insane, belligerent, hubris which the US has been demonstrating in its foreign policy since the dissolution of the USSR. No nation wants to be vulnerable to the war-mongering mechanics of the megalomaniacs behind US/G7/EU/NATO foreign policy. So, just as the US leading professor in "Real Politik", Mearsheimer, could not imagine, they are forming a collective.
Because they can and because they must.
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Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Gilens and Page, Research and Politics October-December 2015: 1–7
DOI: 10.1177/2053168015608896
The USA is Lesterland, Prof. Lawrence Lessig, his website
Lesterland (Lessig's TED Talk)
Netanyahu Enjoys Rapturous, Lengthy Standing Ovation in United States Congress, Phillip Nieto, Mediaite, 2024-07-24
The World Court has cleared the fog hiding western support for Israel's crimes, Johnathan Cook, Jonathan Cook, 2024-07-23
The ticking time bomb of Ukrainian debt (that the west will have to pay), Ian Proud, Natylie's Place: Understanding Russia, None
Democracy incorporated : managed democracy and the specter of inverted totalitarianism, Sheldon S. Wolin, The Internet Archive, 2008
On Mearsheimer, YesXorNo, 2024-04-06
Col. Larry Wilkerson: NATO Doomed - Ukraine Collapsing - Hezbollah Set to Crush & Humiliate Israel, Nima interviews Wilkerson, Dialogue Works, 2024-07-24
The World Is DONE With The West. Here's What's Next | Amb. Chas Freeman, Lottaz interviews Amb. Chas Freeman, Neutrality Studies, 2024-07-24
Multipolar World, Ukraine, Iran, Palestine, Yemen with Pepe Escobar and Richard Medhurst, Medhurst intervies Escobar, Richard Medhurst, 2024-07-24
Mustang Sally, The Commitments (from the 1991 film of the same name)
Copyleft: CC0
Well said- this is where we are at this point: the mask is off, no one can pretend that the white neocolonial alliance is anything else.
Also on this point....
( "........US domestic policy is entirely driven by funding donors. There is no correlation between the will of the people as expressed in polling and domestic policy. ......This is the "democracy" which the US is telling the rest of the world that the West wishes to export....)
.....there is a really good summary of this scam here:
The US insists on this phony sham money-infested parliamentary democracy, so that it can ensure its own dominance in all these places. Anytime the local people insist on limiting money in politics or even on mere transparency (see Georgia recently) the US sends out its dogs in the thinly veiled spook agencies like the NED, USAID and FDD and "Freedom House", to destroy them.