Publication date: 2021-12-23
Going Underground, an RT (State Funded, get scared) program, interviewed a pop music legend and they spoke about politics.
So, I downloaded it, or attempted to, 14 times in a row, and saw the same behaviour. This is what one expects from computers, though not always networks, and certainly not overlay networks like Tor, which I was using. Tor is weird, you ask three volunteer proxy nodes to fetch resources, and each time you do that with a tool like youtube-dl you get a different path through the network (excluding the first node, which is fairly constant). So, if you download via youtube-dl a youtube video and you get the same strange behaviour 14 times in a row, then its either you or youtube that is the constant. But, I'd been downloading other things earlier at consistent and higher speeds.
The constancy was that the download began between 60 and 100 Kbps for the first few seconds. Then, after about 5 to 8 seconds it would drop to 40 odd, and then down to just above 30 Kbps. EVERY TIME for 14 TIMES IN A ROW.
I have no idea why Alphabet Inc/Google/Youtube would be doing this.
The video title is:
Roger Waters - Israel is a ‘Terrorist, Apartheid, Racist Regime!’, Slams Treatment of Palestinians
Why would this be rate limited? I am confused. Can anyone explain this?
Roger Waters: Israel is a ‘Terrorist, Apartheid, Racist Regime!’, Slams Treatment of Palestinians, Going Underground, RT, 2021-12-22
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