Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter
A time when the diplomats are war-hawks and military leaders call for diplomacy
[Image: a cropped frame of The Cranberries’ video in the Culture section.]
Published 2023-03-23
Updates 2023-03-24: new source added in which Ritter and McGovern are interviewed.
In the mainstream USA/NATO media (the MSM) are arrayed a collection of ex-military officials or generals. Within the ranks of the USA "defence industry", aka arms manufacturers, are many more of these "retired" senior ranking officers.
Of the military sources previously cited in this newsletter are former Colonel Douglas Macgregor and former USA Marine Corps intelligence officer and then weapons inspector Scott Ritter. Offered below are a collection of recent interviews with them. Contained within these are many details of weapon construction, force deployment and other specific military topics. The gentlemen also offer geopolitical analysis.
There are subject specializations. When attempting to learn about military matters ex-military personnel can be useful, especially if they are not still under command or trapped by the "defence industry".
These two gentlemen continue to offer their informed and often dissenting views.
Shell Shock
Russia and their allies are forming "cauldrons" to break through the well constructed fortifications to the west of Donetsk City. The variation in number of artillery shells delivered by either side is in the range of 1:5 or even 1:10 to the advantage of Russian allied forces. I have not and hope you shall never have to experience days of continuous incoming artillery fire.
The Ukrainian forces have artillery too and Russian forces are being killed, but the ratio of deaths closely matches that of artillery rounds exchanged over this muddy ground, echoing WWI. The Ukrainian forces, brave as they are, are being sent mad by incoming artillery fire. I believe that, even with decades of counseling, recovering from an experience of this intensity is extremely difficult. Around you, your colleagues are being slaughtered and you need to move their corpses. That counseling may help if you survive. These are the stakes.
With new technologies like drones, satellites, radio communications and more accurate artillery a WWI style battle is occurring. WWI was labeled "The War to End All Wars" for a reason. It was, and this is, mass physical and psychological slaughter.
It needed to end over a year ago.
The videos are organized by speaker. They exceed 20 minutes per interview. Because they are recent there is a commonality of topics across them.
The Gathering Storm: Limited US Resources & the Collapse of Ukraine - with Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Glenn Diesen interviews Douglas Macgregor, Diesen's channel, 2023-03-22
Douglas Macgregor - American Exercise in Proximity to Russia Causes Alarm, Judge Neopolitano interviews Macgregor, Macgregor's channel, 2023-03-21
Douglas Macgregor - Can Ukraine Keep Fighting in Bakhmut?, Stephen Gardener interviews Douglas Macgregor, Macgregor's channel, 2023-03-20
Intelligence roundtable with Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter, Mike Krupa interviews Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter, Votum TV: Heretics, 2023-03-23
Scott Ritter - The Siege of Ukrainian Troops in Donetsk by Wagner, Scott Ritter is interviewed, Douglas Macgregor's youtube channel, 2023-03-19
Scott Ritter: Ukraine JUST Made A FATAL MISTAKE, Stephen Gardner interviews Scott Ritter, Gardener's youtube channel, 2023-03-17
Zelensky blessed forces in Bakhmut for the Final Battle. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.03.22, Dima, Military Summary channel, 2023-03-22
The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video), from their 1994 Album "No Need to Argue", their channel, uploaded 2009-06-17
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