Published: 2024-07-03
Col. Wilkerson believes that now is the most dangerous time in history since the invention of nuclear weapons, and thus, all of human history. This was the conclusion he and a collection of former and possibly still current members of the US military/military intelligence community reached. When asked from where this danger emerges, he listed two crises.
There are two actual wars and one being created; those in Ukraine between the US/NATO and Russia (and allies), in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon between Israel/US and local armed political factions and by extension Iran, and the war which the US is engineering and preparing between itself and China.
Obviously, the US is nuclear armed. So, are Israel, Russia and China. Based on data from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Wilkerson believes that Iran has enough concentrated Uranium to create 3 to 5 nuclear warheads should it choose.
Wilkerson's point is that all of these actual or nascent wars involve nuclear powers. This state of multiple live conflicts between nuclear powers has never previously occurred.
When asked in which theatre of conflict Wilkerson saw the most danger, he named southwest Asia, and specifically, Israel. His reason was that he believes the political and legal danger Israel's leader, Netanyahu, faces is affecting his ability to act based on judgment. Wilkerson noted that because Israel does not have a constitution there is no constitutional mechanism to remove a dangerous leader. He suggested that Israel's military might need to walk into Netanyahu's office and "stick a gun in his belly" and inform him that he is leaving.
On the same day in Blackburn, Lancashire, Craig Murray was concluding his campaign to be elected to represent the electorate in British parliament. With him was Roger Waters addressing a public gathering from which questions were taken. An audience member asked how it is that they and the world can be rid of the current political class and their US and Israel Lobby backers who are creating and supporting wars?
Craig's answer was that "we need to create a new politics". This naturally means abandoning the corrupt, centrist duopolies in Western nations. This is true of the US and UK, and whichever centrist parties are supporting war elsewhere. As was demonstrated in the recent EU and French elections this is beginning to happen. The results of the second round of French voting and the results of the UK election will be a test as to how successful this round of such a new politics will be.
One can be certain that Craig was not advocating revolution, as it is such a violent and uncontrollable manner to effect radical political change. He almost certainly was implying other non-violent non-electoral efforts. Non-violent civil disobedience has historically been the most effective method. It, in turn, requires non-instutitional media.
The 9/11 crimes lead many Western nations to pass laws which curtailed political speech and protest. These laws need to be unwound, or tightened to include a far more precise specificity as to what 'terrorism' is. Whatever the case, Chris Hedges who reported from many nations undergoing revolutionary political change in his career, would emphasize that there is one demographic which needs to be targeted. The significant political change occurs when the security forces refuse to suppress protests.
The US has an institutionalized weakness or advantage, depending on how one looks at it. Employees of government security services are required to take an oath to "defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic". Other Western nations have traditions and histories to which one can appeal to convince members of the security forces that they should not enforce whichever malign statue they are being asked.
Western democracies have placed themselves at a cross-roads. The corruption, war profiteering, civilian spying, speech repression and abuse of the law which has been on display since the 9/11 crimes have shattered their claims to stand for Enlightenment principles.
The test of these democracies lies not in their corrupt elite, their bent politicians or their establishments, oligarchic or hereditary, but on their citizens.
Will you abandon these principles of the right to protest, the right to demand justice and equality before the law? For if you do, you will get what you are asking for.
It is in your face right now.
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Craig Murray's Campaign Against Empire, Chris Hedges, The Hedges Report, 2024-07-01
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson : Does Russia Fear the West?, Napolitano interviews Wilderson, Judging Freedom, 2024-07-03
Roger Waters joins Craig Murray in Blackburn, Craig Murray, 2024-07-03
A Day in the Life, The Beatles
Copyleft: CC0
Well said. The rot of greed and corruption is deep and on the verge of killing us all.