Published: 2024-02-08
Updated 2024-03-05: Added Crooke interview in which he considers the rise of the non-centrists.
An Overly Long Introduction: Military Intelligence
One of the unsurprising but nice to know revelations from the CIA public narrative generated through the NYT and its recent 10 000 word puff piece is that in Ukraine the CIA and MI-6 have been operating essentially in unison. From this, I believe one should generalize the USA's Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's Military Intelligence Unit 6 and view them as a single entity with largely common political economic goals. Lets call it/them CI-6.
They circumvent each other's restrictions on domestic surveillance by calling on the other, thus allowing the combined organisation to interfere in any nation's political process. Their subordinate signals intelligence (SIGINT) organisations, the NSA and GCHQ, are equipped with the world's most sophisticated signals intelligence methods and tools, from latest-Gen cryptanalysis and ciphers to the planet's largest surveillance network, from wires to satellites. The Snowden revelations and associated information from former employees like William Binney informed us that these 'platforms' extend into all of the commercial 'social networking' databases. Their only problem is processing and all of this, which was why Bluffdale was built. They possess inordinate power and are almost never held to public account. Renowned cryptographer Bruce Schneier has described their capability as 30 years ahead of whatever one sees in public cryptography capability.
Historically, CI-6 agencies have developed different core skills due to experience and available investment. The British agency specializes in human intelligence (HUMINT). This comes from the long history of Britain's experience in Imperialism which required cultural understanding and infiltration of existing power structures to bend them to the imperial wheel. The consolidation of USA global power came after WWII at which point it possessed 50% of the world's GDP. It was a world leader in many fields of technology, not least, what would become known as integrated circuits and the fields of electromagnetics in microwave and radar. Investment in these areas was made to maintain the USA's lead, especially in information processing. These lead to a SIGINT dominance. It should be noted that GCHQ continued to contribute to theoretical advancements in cryptography.
This joint approach to intelligence could be symbolized by Alan Turing's academic journey. From Oxford, to Bletchley Park (code breaking during WWII), to Princeton. He, along the USA's Claude Shannon are the combined godfather's of information processing. Turing developed the conceptual framework for computing and Shannon that for information.
Years after the most significant public paper in cryptography for the the 20th century, Whitfield and Diffie's "New Directions in Cryptography" was published in 1976, it was revealed that the insight contained in the paper, effective key exchange for public/private key cryptography, had already been discovered GCHQ.
Before moving on to current events, if you are interested in a readable summary of some elements of the recent history of cryptography, this newsletter published one as a part of a series on the Tor network. I mention this not because of any silly expectation that people will read it, but because I am proud of it.
Political Maneuvering by Trading Barbs
During the most recent Week in Review I characterized the current disunity across NATO as national leaders throwing each other under the bus. In Alex Christoforou's recent episode he provided a summary of what is recently known about NATO human military involvement in the Ukraine "proxy" war from the mouths of these politicians.
Even before these recent statements by NATO national political leaders we knew that from the nations of the USA, UK, Poland, France and Germany, at least, there have been every sort of military involvement one could imagine, but just not wearing a uniform with a national flag on it and in Ukraine at once. These include troops (mercenaries), Commanders (mercenaries), Generals (military "liaison" or whathaveyou involved in planning operations), Special forces (seconded to military intelligence so they don't have to wear their flag), Military intelligence and logistics support and maintenance.
The recent spat began with French President Macron announcing the future possibility of troops with flags on them participating in the proxy war. OMG! This was immediately followed by a universal NATO denial, essentially informing their populations that they can predict the future and deny reality. Apart from NATO mouthpiece Stoltenberg, denials were issued from Britain and Germany who had just announced that they wanted to invest in their military industrial base to fight a war with Russia/China/Iran/North Korea in 5 years. You can't walk and chew gum at the same time when your foot is in your mouth.
Then comes the announcement from the Editor-in-Chief of RT, Margarita Simonyan, that she has in her possession a recording of German military officers discussing how to destroy the Kerch Bridge and not be seen to be involved, on the same day that Chancellor Scholz denies that Germany is involved in the Ukraine proxy war.
The next day, the audio recording is published. It is confirmed to be authentic. A transcript of a translation into English is published. We can all learn of the discussions between senior members of the German Luftwaffe and their plans to achieve various potential objectives in the Ukraine "proxy" war.
Watching the Search Engine Empowered Media Do Their Thing
Before returning to the interesting elements of the issue at hand, lets take a quick look at the media. Below are the results for a search using at 2024-03-04 12:50:50 PM AEDT .
The top triplet of 'emphasized' (advertised) video-ish results, and the top two articles are off screen at the top. Those two articles were from MSN (a republisher) and the BBC, both of which I consider irrelevant, except in dire circumstances.
[The search was: margarita leaked german audio 38 minutes transcript]
The search engine is telling us that OISEC (or MSM or whatever you want to call the cabal of narrative issuers) is presenting uncertainty about the audio and that country X is investigating country Y. Nowhere is there a headline which focuses on the contents of the message.
And that tells us all we need to know about both the search engine and OISEC. The search engine is supposedly better than Google who record everything you do, across sites, whenever using any of their surveillance platforms disguised as "services" (to which CI-6 have full access). But, DuckyDuckyGone is complying with the Mis/Dis-Information government-at-arms-length directive by reporting only on the 'trusted, fact checked' sources of sewage produced by OISEC. So, you're swimming in it wherever you go.
Building Hypotheses
I 'fess up to being entertained now and then by Christoforou's extemporizations and his analysis of recent events.
His analysis is that these senior German Luftwaffe officers acknowledge that none of the plans which they are discussing will have any material effect on the military outcome in Ukraine. They are admitting, concludes Christoforou, that they are planning military actions for political effect. They are still in the mode of the Ukraine "proxy" war being used to bring down Russian Federation president Putin two years into the war when his support is stronger than ever. My conclusion is that they are unprincipled idiots and should be fired. But, this is a matter for the German people.
The second point raised by Christoforou is hypothetical, but interesting if, as he says, one wishes to head down a rabbit hole. We do not know how it was that Margarita Simonyan came to possess the 38-minute recording. Various claims are likely to have been issued. We may learn more, but obfuscating and diverting public attention away from intelligence gathering and transmission (spying) is the second specialty of military intelligence agencies. In this, OISEC instantaneously serve their masters.
The dumb, natural assumption is that Russia directly recorded the discussion and then provided this to RT's Editor-in-Chief. This is possible, but does not seem to possess any finesse. Would it not be better to release the transcript through a foreign proxy and drop the audio on soundcloud or youtube and inform the proxy of this? Why point the finger at yourself? The Germans are obviously going to investigate and if so you will have burned a very, very useful intelligence source. If the Russian intelligence service did this CI-6 would be laughing at them and they would probably get a serious reprimand from Russia's security council.
Christoforou suggests another possibility. Chancellor Scholz had just put the French and British in the shit by declaring that their military services were operating and targeting NATO missile systems in Ukraine. From this is implied that they are targeting Russia directly and are thus already "directly" involved. This is a statement from a national leader which publicly confirms that which was already known. The crime is "saying the private bit out loud", and the Brits and probably French would have been extremely angry about this. It undermines the OISEC narrative of 'arming the heroic Ukrainians' and not being involved.
Why would CI-6 not act to embarrass Scholz, to create a media storm in which his declaration is seen as hypocritical, to discipline the wayward foreign leader? The media storm blames the Russians. The German BND investigation is to look for Russians where their counter-intelligence already know there are none. Its ignored report will confirm this. They will merely learn that CI-6 owns them. You are a 14-EYES partner, not 9 or 5, say the 2-EYES.
This is, of course, all just conjecture.
Buses and Flinging
What can be seen is a media storm, which will no doubt be short lived. It displays the disunity in NATO. It is reveals that France and Germany are both actively involved in a war against Russia, again. Their military leadership must be following political commands against every lesson from history. This demonstrates their lack of integrity, and their complicity in Project Ukraine Bring Down Putin.
Its a boon-doggle in which their troops don't die, they destroy on Ukrainian soil a whole lot of aged military hardware which they would have had to allocate budgets to securely disarm and discard, and their armories are looking a little bare, which will generate more funding. Win-win, baby. That is, if one ignores the predictable outcome of a destroyed Ukraine which will need decades of support to recover. But, no problem there either, they will have retired by then.
But, political leaders do not have the same degree of job security. They require re-election (excepting the EU Commission which has been cheerleading the committing of the EU to this disastrous Project). Political leaders do need to adapt to changing political circumstances, and I believe we are right in the middle of one of those.
The European summer is on its way. Protests across Europe by their farmers will be deafening. This will be because of various combined stupidities previously presented. The difference this summer will be that a lot more of the surrounding populations are also feeling the financial pain which has been dumped on them by Europe's current leadership. Germany is in shock at the pain it is feeling. Previous summer protests have been continent wide, from Spain to Poland and Belgium to Greece.
Blaming other national leaders to exploit national divisions which are inherent in Europe is a tried and tired tactic. One may be concerned about national divisions inspiring armed conflict within Europe (outside of Ukraine). I hope that I am correct in my sense that this is nowhere near as likely as some may suppose. The roots of the problem are the European national leaders and the EU Commission. A solidarity across the working class in Europe will, I hope, overcompensate for nationalist divides.
Commies and Red Necks
If so, efforts to throw other national leaders under the bus should be encouraged:
You're all a bunch of idiots serving interests represented by globalists and on the other side of the Atlantic and we want none of it. Damage each other, you political pawns, and we'll find some representatives less subservient to these supra-national interests!
Europe could get rid of the centrists and elect some "extreme" conservatives or socialists. Either is far superior to the falsehood spewing, narrative managed status quo. Together, a bunch of commies and red necks could forge a path out of the current stupidity. It can be discussed and negotiated, just as a path out of the dumpster fire in Ukraine needs to be discussed and negotiated.
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Kremlin unaware about content of discussion of Crimean Bridge attack by German military, TASS, 2024-03-01
Audio recording released where German officers discuss strike on Crimean bridge, TASS, 2024-03-02
Week in Review: 2024, week 09, YesXorNo, 2024-03-04
About Tor: What, Why, How and Who is Tor?, YesXorNo, 2022-04-09
European Farmers Protests, YesXorNo, 2024-02-06
Sunak meltdown. Macron WW3 tripwire. German Crimea bridge audio, cui bono? Biden, Giorgia on my mind, Alex Christoforou, 2024-03-02
Alastair Crooke: Warning Signs - “Untenable Positions”, Napolitano interview's Crooke, Judging Freedom, 2024-03-04
Copyleft: CC0
Since OISEC's "narrative fog" is the thickest it's ever been, I don't see the last part coming to fruition before a large political crisis enflames the "Harlot of Babylon". Europeons are simply too dumb and too self-absorbed to be able to grasp the long-term consequences of their complicit silence and "going with the western flow". Besides, nobody here has ever heard of the widespread farmer protests, since "it hasn't been reported on the 9 pm news".
On a side note, dump DuckDuckGone and instead use Presearch (, which arguably is much less biased than any other "western" search engine. It's a shame I can't upload screenshots, as it would be a nice counterpoint to your screenshot of DDG search results. I used your exact search phrase ("margarita leaked german audio 38 minutes transcript") and the top 2 results on Presearch were articles published by The Moscow Times and TASS, respectively... :)