Published 2023-03-04
We are in the middle of the biggest geopolitical shift since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
And, really, it is so small, so irrelevant. The bugbear in the room is the collection of nuclear weapons, not because their use in anger is at some relative high, which it is, but just because they exist.
Why do nations possess these weapons? Why? We now know that the result of their use is a stratospheric blackout which will destroy crops and lead to a mass human starvation. This is an "end of civilization" catastrophe which is sitting on varying degrees of "launch" across India, Pakistan, Israel, USA, Germany, France, UK, North Korea and who knows how many more nations under some idiotic belief that this is a "good idea".
No. It is insanity. It is the greatest insanity which humanity has ever constructed, and the scientists who developed the tools soon recognized their supreme error. "I am Death, the destroyer of worlds".
But, 80 years later we are STILL DOING THIS.
One global plebiscite would lay it all bare. Here's the vote card:
Decommission all nuclear weapons, globally?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Anyone who votes 'No' gets a free one-way ticket to Mars, to which shall be sent all of the nuclear weapons
Powderfinger “My Happiness”.