Happy News! Galloway's SMASHED IT in Rochdale!!
All aboard for some anti-establishment attention grabbing fun.
[reframed screenshot of a frame from CN Live’s interview with Geroge Galloway.]
Published: 2024-02-29
Update 2024-03-01: See sources for the update on Galloway’s victory as reported by CN. Congrats, Galloway!
Update 2024-03-03: More on the mechanisms, which anyone can see will be employed to undermine Galloway and his building political movement, from Joe Lauria.
Galloway smashed the election. The next candidate, an independent, achieved 54% of Galloway's vote. The rest of the field, from 3rd down, including both major parties of Labour and the Conservatives collectively failed to better Galloway’s tally.
Galloway's just registered Workers Party of Britain, of which he is naturally the leader, will be running candidates all over the place in every election contest in which they think they've a chance and then some.
Galloway has just fired a serious warning shot across the bow of the British political duopoly. And, soon he'll be walking into the houses of parliament with, as he said "Jeremy Corbyn by his side". I think we can all see where this goes (i.e Corbyn joins the Workers Party, ...), and so can Labour and the Tories.
Interesting times are back!
Galloway’s first job is to save the football club, which may produce a dangerous battle. The temptation will be for whichever party controls the local council to deny this important, potential victory to Galloway. If evidence of this can be found that will be a very costly political misjudgement.
British investigative journalists, on the ground locals, you have an opportunity to play politics!
One can expect that Labour leader Starmer's political advisors will be basing their advice on the fact that the race in Rochdale had hallmarks of special circumstances written all over it. It is an exception from the good performances which Labour has been achieving in other by-elections. So, don't be too concerned, Keir. La la la.
I suspect Starmer is not an idiot and wont listen to the metric driven professional advisers. He, like me, should see in Galloway a confluence of serious threat. Galloway is a rhetorician and an orator with a keen political mind who is now elected to parliament as the leader of a new party which Galloway has declared will be targeting disaffected Labour voters. If Jeremy Corbyn joins Galloway in the current climate, this could be greatest political threat to the Labour Party since Margaret Thatcher. It is that serious. Just have a look at the articles in the MSM on the Rochdale election. They’re all alarmist or dismisive narratives.
Because of the seriousness of the threat, the backers of the Conservative party will also be concerned. A Galloway & Corbyn led party could destabilize the happy duopoly and bring an actual contest back into British politics. For this reason, one should expect every dirty trick possible to be played against both of them. Which is to say, I'll try to keep my eyes on this and report anything of interest.
Update 2
Joe Lauria from Consortium News reports on British media invading Galloway’s victory celebration with his new constituents and despoiling the event in an attempt to create misleading propanda narratives. These transparent, childish antics reveal the craven nature of some of Britain’s news reporters and publishers. Luckily, Joe understands as well as Galloway the tactics being employed.
Expect more. Various media spectacles will be generated. If MI-5 are not already on the case, then someone forgot to call them.
Rochdale Revival [original article]
Well, wouldn't ya know!? George Galloway is running in the UK's Rochdale by-election and has put a cat amongst the British establishment pigeons. They'll be scheming away because they know a threat when they see one.
This will not be Galloway's first rodeo, but his 7th. Yes, he's an out of town Scottsman but Rochdale is in such a state of disrepair and disillusion that the ground may well be fertile enough to launch a wee democratic insurrection, and you couldn't pick a better man for the job. Armed with experience, an acutely tuned political mind and the gift of the gab, Galloway does pose a threat.
The next British national election is no more than 200 days away, says Galloway, so why not loan me your vote? Should you do so, the major parties will want the seat back and they'll need to turn up with something to offer. Waddaya got to lose?
He includes in his stump speech his phrase, Rochdale Revival, rolls out some 1844 history of the co-op movement starting in Rochdale, and then smoothly moves on to reviving the failing fortunes of the almost bankrupt local football club. Good luck with all of that, George!
For me, I'd vote for the man in an instant. He's of the caliber of Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, a rabble-rouser from way back. If one is disillusioned with politics as Cathy Vogan declares that she heard on the local street, then why not vote for Galloway for a term of a couple of hundred days to just see what happens!?
Galloway does have wider plans, being the crafty political campaigner he is. He's registered the Workers Party, and through this intends to launch a national campaign to connect with the tens, nay hundreds, of thousands of Labour Party supporters who joined Labour under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Corbyn was ousted by the Israeli Lobby and his replacement Sir Boot-licking Starmer has eviscerated the party and severed it from its ideological roots. This in turn created the opportunity which Galloway has identified.
There may be a welcome change coming to British politics: interesting times! If Galloway gets in, then all sorts of interesting and currently disaffected people may be inspired to put their shoulders to the wheel and see what changes can be achieved during the shock to the British establishment duopoly.
Hats off to Cathy Vogan for traveling to Rochdale to interview Galloway and to alert us to Galloway's democratic frolic.
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Election results for Rochdale, Rochdale Borough Council, UK Government (i.e the official figures and announcement)
MSM Target Galloway at Victory Party, Joe Lauria, Consortium News, 2024-03-02
Galloway Back in Parliament, Declaring Duopoly Defeated, Joe Lauria, Consortium News, 2024-03-01
WATCH: CN Interviews George Galloway on Election Eve, Consortium News, 2024-02-28 (which continas the below video)
George Galloway on Eve of Rochdale By-election, Cathy Vogan interviews Galloway, CN Live, 2024-02-28
The Rochdale Revival is underway, George Galloway, uploaded 2024-02-27
Madness - Baggy Trousers (Official Audio), uploaded 2013-06-24
Copyleft: CC0
George Galloway vs US Senate.
George, imho, is one of the greatest orators in english today. His speech to the US Senate Committee is classic!