Apart from the media spectacle and later narrative solidifcation what actually happened on 2001-09-11?
In New York City two planes impacted a building each, and three high rise towers were destroyed. In Pensylvania we are shown an "impact site", a piece of dirt, with no large components of an aeroplane visible. The same is true of the damage to the Pentagon. What plane? No engines, wings, tail?
If the images of the Shanksville or Pentagon events showing no parts of a commercial airliner make you think "I don't get it", calm down and look again without the audio.
When you look at the destruction (not "collapse") of World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, again without audio, you will plainly see their destruction as a demolition. Physics is useful. It can be seen that steel structures of hundreds of tonnes are flying sideways out of WTC1/2. Claiming a "gravitational collapse" against this recorded evidence is fraudulent and stupid.
The "key" to helping people break the shackles of the narrative that people have been given has always been for 9/11 "Truthers" World Trade Center 7 (WTC7). Its destruction is plainly and obviously a controlled demolition, which requires weeks of planning. That is the problem. Not the demolition, but the weeks of planning.
It is in plain view, and declared by the BBC 20 minutes before it happened. Another problem. Pre-planned explosive deployment and a pre-planning in media announcement? The two combined are "difficult".
But, that is the evidence. WTC 7 is a controlled demolition, and that demolition was announced by the BBC 20 minutes in advance.
The poison of 9/11 is blame.
A Source
David Chandler