A screenshot from the history of a wikipedia page.
Published: 2024-01-04
During this rant, your podcaster makes an outlandish claim about once wrangling a term into Wikipedia. Outlanding claims require outlandish "public" encyclopedias and a tad of evidence. See the title image (and link).
I did try getting MICIMATT in too, but the trolls wouldn’t have it:
[Had to use a different username for that one for a reason I don’t recall. But, it was yours truly who tried. The problem was “reliable sources”. They wouldn’t accept Wikileaks or CounterPunch or anything. Twats.]
Have fun!
PS: I promise I’ll get better at audio recording eventually. 😎
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MICIMATT in Song, Ray McGovern, 2024-01-01
Copyleft: CC0
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