NSA spying on Carlson and leaking to US media feeds a narrative for Russia
Operation Mockingbird, cheep cheep
It is important to understand Mr Carson's objectives and background. His mission is viewership. He leads a popular and influential show. He does seem to also have some principles, and when allying those principles with issues that are likely to increase his viewership he will engage, even if his guests are from a diametrically opposed political viewpoint. When he invited Jimmy Dore on his show he admitted that Dore's arguments against the Assange persecution had changed his mind. He has had Glenn Greenwald on to discuss various news stories.
The recent bruhaha is about the NSA releasing intercepted communications between Carlson and some intermediary to schedule an interview with Russian President Putin. The releases identified Carlson, and he claims (see sources) gave them his words, verbatim.
Carlson decides to "get out in front" of the impending rubbish, and in doing so picks a little fight with the US spying community, which is a sufficiently risky strategy that it must have required some thought, and for this reason I believe him. Now, as Greenwald says, the NSA have broken the law here. They are completely allowed to gather the communications but have to pass through numerous legal hoops to be able to reveal the identity of the USA citizen in the communications with a non-USA citizen. No hoops, just selective leaking. Illegal.
Feeding ammunition to RT for what purpose?
What is interesting is that an interview between Carlson and Putin is so threatening to the establishment that they will take these tactics which feed a narrative to RT.
Hang on a minute, is there not some other journalist or publisher which the USA government is targettng? Scratches head. Shit yeah, Julian Assange. The difference in "mistreatment" could not be more stark, but its the "same old same old". Just as the USA's targeting of Assange has generated headlines at RT for years, the same is true here. The illegal actions of the USA spying community are feeding headlines to RT, again.
Oh, what about that lawyer, Steven Donziger, under home confinement now for 700 days for NOT providing his communications equipment to the prosecution. Therein are contained privileged legal discussions with his clients, and he is thus ethically bound to not release them. Damn the indigenous Equadorians and their seeking of redress for horrific crimes against them and their lands (see sources). Chevron, not the USA government is prosecuting Donziger, but I assume that USA taxpayers are funding it, just as UK taxpayers are funding the now accepted High Court appeal of the Assange case.
But, Why?
I can tell you why Carlson is not allowed to interview Putin. Carlson will be required to raise the issues of Crimea and the Ukraine, because these are topical and important for ratings. No doubt, he will have other issues, perhaps the use of the now warmed northern passage, and Russia's relationship with China? However, he is unlikely to frame these in the standard "when did you stop beating your wife?" gotcha method of regular USA journalists. This would do two things. Giving Putin a more open ability to respond, and do so on one of the few remaining popular USA cable TV shows, giving him extensive reach. THIS is what the establishment cannot permit. It may also create some fractures in the USA's political right. Why is Russia the enemy, again? Is it that we need an enemy and have not found a better one? Yes, China. So why the Russophobia? Ooooooh, they're allies. Its a two-fer.
Its a pity. I think that much of the USA would be well served by a non-antagonistic interview with Putin, and Carlson is probably a good person to do it.
The “Free Press” is unfreed again. AKA get back in your box.
But, the independent media marches on, especially those funded exclusively by individual donations from supporters.
Tucker on NSA spying allegations: This is a huge problem for the country, Fox Business
LIVE: Susan Sarandon, Roger Waters Join NYC Steven Donziger Protest On Day 700 of House Arrest, Status Coup
Desperate to Get Assange, US Promises No SAMS & Prison Time in Australia, ConsortiumNews