Scott Ritter: US Government Seizes His Passport
A legal case and a character assassination campaing appear to be beginning
Published: 2024-06-04
This article will be a compilation of news sources detailing the events around the US government’s seizure of Scott Ritter’s passport, as covered by various media.
Prediction: a huge amount of the independent media will light up on this. Johnson’s right.
The list below has been compiled by running the search 'scott ritter passport' on DuckDuckGo via Tor and Yandex via non-Tor. Duplicate, verbatim republications (for example of RT's article) have been ignored. The second source collection are the usual commentators which this newsletter's author/editor often consults.
Sections are dated for when this article was updated. Dates of the publications of articles (or videos) covering the topic are included per entry and are consequently not chronological.
Larry Johnson
From St. Petersburg, Larry Johnson informs that after Scott Ritter had recently boarded a flight at JFK airport, US Customs and Border police boarded the plane and removed Ritter from it and then seized his passport.
To Johnson's mind this is illegal. He cites three potential justification which the US government can use to seize a passport and cannot see how Ritter meets any of these potential justifications.
Until further details are produced, and most likely even then, this looks like repression of civilian rights and free speech based on Scott's voiced opinions which are contrary to that of the current US regime.
A search of 'ritter site:gov' for within the last week, yields no results for Scott Ritter.
Why Was Scott Ritter's Passport Seized?, Larry Johnson, Larry Johnson, 2024-06
My Live Stream Regarding Scott Ritter and Me With the Judge, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, 2024-06-04
Former US intelligence officer says was not let leave US to attend forum in St. Petersburg, TASS, 2024-06-04
US State Department Forced Scott Ritter Off Plane to Russia, Confiscated His Passport, Sputnik International, 2024-06-03
US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia, Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 2024-06-03 21:20 (local time)
Also reports from RT and various other publications.
Notably absent: Every major English newspaper.
2024-06-05 10:30 AEST (UTC+10)
Scott Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother., Judging Freedom, 2024-06-04
A search for ‘Scott Ritter Passport’ still yields no results for any major western media, including Austalia’s national news organisation. No BBC, WSJ, NYP, WaPo, Le Monde, El Pais, DW etc..
The RT article has been reprinted in various outlets, for example Malaysia Sun, Albawaba (Middle East publication).
Yves Smith from Naked Capitalism has a report.
Scott Ritter Removed from Plane to Russia and Had Passport Seized with No Explanation, Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism, 2024-06-04
Dreizin, who turned up a while back and had an interesting thing or two to say on a topic I forget, has issued a rabid report which is a character assassination.
DREIZIN FREEBIE: Scott Ritter’s passport, Jacob Dreizin, The Dreizin Report, 2024-06-03
And finally a Western news organisation has chimed in. And, you guessed it, inuendo and character assassination is the line.
Moscow Throws Putin Fanboy Scott Ritter Under the Bus, Allison Quinn, Daily Beast, 2024-06-04 09:10 EDT
Former U.N. weapons inspector turned sex offender Scott Ritter has made a name for himself parroting Kremlin propaganda about the war against Ukraine.
But if he was hoping Moscow would back him up after he says he was barred from traveling to Russia because Washington is “afraid” of him appearing at a St. Petersburg economic forum, he was apparently sadly mistaken.
While Ritter and his supporters—including Russian media—have played up the notion that his passport was seized because he has the U.S. administration shaking in their boots, the Kremlin did not share in this hysteria.
Here are some example other "characterizations" of Ritter being used in brief reports.
The RT contributor was stopped from visiting Russia.
known anti Israel and supporter of hamas has his passport confiscated and removed from airliner as he was departing for Russia
The character assassination has begun.
2024-06-05 23:45 AEST
State Department strips Scott Ritter’s passport at New York airport, Eric London, World Socialist Web Site, 2024-06-05
More minor details from TASS:
Ex-US intel officer Ritter plans to contact US government following passport seizure, TASS, 2024-06-04
2024-06-06 12:15 AEST
Doctorow’s article is predominantly about a potential Russian response to the NATO declaration of war.
The sequence of destruction in any Russian response to NATO-directed attacks on its heartland, Gilbert Doctorow, Gilbert Doctorow, 2024-06-05
Stallings at TAC doesn’t believe Ritter who Stallings repeatedly says “claims” his passport was seized. Unsurprisingly, he offers no reason why Ritter should mislead people about this. In the first sentence Stallings included ‘his [Ritter’s] conviction for sex offenses in 2011 and the lengthy subsequent appeal’ and so joins the character assassination brigade. The case of Ritter being entrapped by a police officer in an online chat room can be researched, if one is interested in the events of 15 years ago.
This is the second piece by major English language media. Still absent are everybody: BBC, WaPo, NYT, …
Scott Ritter Claims State Department Seized His Passport, Mason Letteau Stallings, The American Conservative, 2024-06-05
America confiscates Scott Ritter`s passport, (no author), MenaFN, 2024-06-04
Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. - Scott Ritter, Jimmy Dore, The Jimmy Dore Show, 2024-06-05
The Death of Truth Is at Hand, Paul Craig Roberts, The Unz Review, 2024-06-05
Dennis Kusinich !!!
US Targets Journalists Who Criticize Administration's Foreign Policy, Dennis Kusinich, The Kucinich Report, 2024-06-04
Jan Oberg is a gem.
US State Department seized Scott Ritter's passport, The Transnational Foundation & Jan Oberg, 2024-06-04
Former U.S. Marine And Outspoken Critic Of US Scott Ritter Removed From Flight Bound For Russia—Passport Seized: He Was To Speak At An International Economic Forum In St. Petersburg, Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier, 2024-06-03
Democracy Is Great!, Mark Wauck, Meaning in History, 2024-06-03
LIVE: Scott Ritter Passport Seized! + Water Crisis in Gaza, Lee Camp with Ritter, Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp, 2024-06-04
US State Department forced Scott Ritter off plane headed to Russia and confiscated his passport, Citizen Watch Report, 2024-06-04
2024-06-07 09:30 AEST
Col. Larry Wilkerson on Scott Ritter and Russia's Devastating Warning to NATO, Nima interviews Wilkerson, Dialogue Works, 2024-06-05
Persecution Against Scott Ritter Shows US Not Democracy Anymore, Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, Global Research, 2024-06-05
US Targets Journalists Who Criticize Administration's Foreign Policy, Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 2024-06-06
US authorities take Scott Ritter off plane to Russia, seize his passport, PressTV, 2024-06-04
This is particularly amusing because WaPo are running a hit piece against The Grayzone and Blumenthal, which Caitlin Johnstone commented upon, by stating that “hacked” documents “reveal” that a contributor was paid by PressTV. As can be seen, PressTV have reported on this action by the US govt which former federal court judge Napolitano describes as unconstitutional. WaPo have NOT believed it important to inform their readership that their government is acting illegally and attacking the civil liberites of a well known citizen. WaPo are giving hypocrits a bad name.
Scott Ritter dragged from an airliner by Washington’s Goons ~ VIDEO, Mike, Europe Renaissance, 2024-06-03
2024-06-08 13:00 AEST
Scott Ritter another American voice for sanity and peace gets cancelled, editors, Strategic Culture, 2024-06-07
Andrei Martyanov on Scott Ritter and Russia Braces as NATO's Desperation Grows, Nima interviews Martyanov, Dialogue Works, 2024-06-07
Q&A w⧸ Chris Hedges — What I'm Doing After Real News, Chris Hedges, Chris Hedges Report, 2024-06-06
The Intel Round Table with the Judge and Ray, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, 2024-06-07
Scott Ritter may want to write a thank you note to State Department. That dummy Blinken ended up raising Scott’s profile in a way he never would have achieved if he had simply shown up at the St. Petersburg International Forum (aka SPIEF) and spoke. I was repeatedly asked about Scott by more than two dozen media outlets. The folks at SPIEF also love Scott. He has a raft of unknown friends.
Land of the Free?, Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review, 2024-06-06
2024-06-09 09:15 AEST
Report: Pro-Russia Commentator has Passport Seized at the Airport While Boarding a Plane to Russia, Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer, 2024-06-08
US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport at airport; Also Removes Former NJ Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano from Same Plane!, Hal Turner, The Hal Turner Radio Show, 2024-06-03
Thread: War on Journalism: US seizes Scott Ritter's Passport, Kryztian, Project Avalon, 2024-06-03 (43 other Project Avalon member 'thanked' the poster for the thread)
Риттер оспорит решение об изъятии у него паспорта американскими властями, Ria Novostia, 2024-06-03
Scott Ritter Says, State Department Seizure of My Passport Aimed at BRICS, Fight for Peace, Michael O. Billington & Gretchen Small, EIR (a La Rouche publication), 2024-06-04
PASSPORT SEIZED! Scott Ritter Taken Of Airplane While Traveling To Russia, Kim Iversen, Kim Iversen, 2024-06-04
US State Department Forced ex-marine Scott Ritter Off Plane to Russia, Confiscated His Passport, Fabio G.C. Carisio, Gospa News, 2024-06-04
US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia, Admin, Project Matilda, 2024-06-04
Patrick Lawrence weighs in:
Scott Ritter Silenced by Liberal Authoritarians, Patrick Lawrence, ScheerPost, 2024-06-08
Justice for Scott Ritter (and his Russian sponsor who was arrested by the FSB)!, Riley Waggaman, Natylie's Place: Understanding Russia, 2024-06-17
Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) highlights an important contradiction and missing piece in the Ritter fails to visit Russia affair.
Midnight Oil - US Forces
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We are now deep into The 1984, Animal Farm and The Trial territory. War is peace, peacemakers are the enemy, and just being alive with a functioning brain is a possible crime.