Sneaking ET into an Addendum: Its All Fine, just Decommission Nuclear Weapons
Its All Fine, just Decommission Nuclear Weapons
[Image: a frame from the video provided in sources wherein Dr. Dolan presents a summary of the first book of his series on UFOs and the (USA) National Security State.]
Publication date: 2022-09-05
Update 2022-09-06: Fully cited references for the report to and the text of the USA Senate bill S. 4503 which contain the key phrases referring to unexplained phenomena have been added to the top of sources. Additional material by way of statements by Nick Pope have been added to sources to cover the Rendelsham forest incident. Lastly, the use of the phrase from Titanic to Olympic in the “re-naming” are supported by a reference to a long forgotten documentary re-examining the sinking of RMS Titanic. It should be noted that claims made in this documentary are contested.
Reading a Book
Once upon a time a man took an excursion to a book store. This small hiatus from his efforts towards his Ph.D thesis saw him meet an unexpected future. In this small compendium of knowledge, the book store, a book found him. It was a book on UFOs. Richard Dolan's interest was piqued. He set himself a well defined challenge, as any researcher of history should "Does the USA military take this topic seriously?"
The answer he found to that question is documented in the first two of the three volumes he intends to complete. "UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973" is the first volume which contains references to a plethora of released records in which senior members of the USA's military express alarm regarding these "unidentified flying objects".
Richard's second volume "The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State Book 2)" follows the narrative of the constant denial of the phenomena by government employees while declassified reports continue to document concern by the military.
These two volumes are scholarly, the text being under-pinned with extensive referencing. That the USA military has been concerned about UFOs since the 1940s is clearly the case. That nefarious "intelligence" actors have been muddying the waters is also clearly the case. Herein lies the challenge for a UFO researcher. There is grain to be winnowed. There is also a back braking amount of chaff to be discarded.
A presentation at the USA's National Press Club in 2001 on the topic of UFO's was overshadowed by the events of 2001-09-11. Testimony was provided by both civilian and military persons. Commentators tend to be fixated on the coordinator, Steven Greer. This is an error. One should listen to the testimony by the individuals. The event, and those testimonies, provide additional weight to the case made by many and most studiously by Mr. Dolan. UFOs are a concern to the USA defense forces.
There are many 'signal' events. One of the foremost is that of Malmstrom Air Force Base at which Minute Man nuclear armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM's) were stationed. The event included eye witness testimony of glowing "UFOs" over the base and the "decommissioning" of the ICBMs at the same time. By decommissioning one means the ICBM's were no longer under control of the launch authority. They were nice pieces of engineering which could do nothing. As a military, this is a VERY bad situation.
Cases like Malmstrom AFB illustrate the concerns of the USA military who take territorial defence as their mantra. Someone, some-thing, unknown, is deactivating our defenses.
The Rah-Rah
One of the most enjoyable elements of researching the UFO phenomena is that one cannot be labeled a conspiracy theorist, unless the conspiracy is amongst the researchers. Conspiracies are defined as collaboration among people, humans. Events involving non-humans (ants, birds, elephants or aliens) are not easily labelled with this dissuasive trope.
The latest reason to raise the UFO topic is, wait for it, an addendum, on page 12 of a report to the "INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023" legislation by the USA Congress. The phrases which raise the issue are:
Modification of Requirement for Office to Address Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena
At a time when cross-domain transmedium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially, the Committee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to establish the office to address those threats and to replace the former Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force as required in Section 1683 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. [new paragraph added for clarity]
The Committee was hopeful that the new office would address many of the structural issues hindering progress. To accelerate progress, the Committee has, pursuant to Section 703, renamed the organization formerly known as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the Aerial Object Identification and Management Synchronization Management Group to be the Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office.
These legislaturers would benefit from studying Eric Blaire's advice on authorship. "At a time when ..." is pure fill. They do get to the point. Covert briefings have lead them to the conclusion that UFOs are a problem. They believe that established structures to investigate the "threat" are not returning results. The committee's response to this lack of engagement is to re-name the under-performing group. It is not the "Titanic", it is the "Olympic". (See sources for some history on re-naming.)
The use of "expanding exponentially" and "threats" requires at least some validation, of which they provide none at all. This can be discarded as unsupported political rhetoric appended to a bill. Is there not a "twixt and twain" element of truth hidden in this appendix?
[Image: some idiot on the internet adding lots of colour filters to a nuclear explosion.]
Throwing Overboard the Usual Players
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Military Industrial Complex are playing their usual games for profit, and the "when everyone believes that which is false" 'intelligence' agencies are stacking the board with disinformation. Nonetheless, there is a hidden nugget here. The hint is that the text is in an addendum. One cannot put these hidden incendiary claims in a bill, they need to be snuk into an addendum.
Rendelsham Forrest
The Rendelsham Forrest "incident" is, perhaps, the next most notable UFO sighting by military observers. While civilian observers are replete with errors in their recollection of observance, these deficiencies are drilled out of military personnel. The command needs reliable information. Information is good, but reliable is what they want.
Hidden here is the cleverness of Dolan's question: Is the USA military concerned about UFOs?
A Parallel "Civilisation"
Dolan's research to document the cover up of the UFO threat leads him to a more profound conclusion. He asserts that the "defence industry" of the USA is bifurcated on knowledge of UFOs. Those aware operate in a clandestine "Special Access Program" space in which they are covered by almighty layers of secrecy while the regular soldier remains unaware.
This narrative is both compelling and seductive. The core of it is that crash retrieval from UFOs have delivered hints of unknown technology to be reverse engineered. This reverse engineering must be hidden from all public knowledge to produce its advantage. The problem of the argument is that citings are global, with southern European and southern American being well documented from reliable sources.
The counter to this geographic objection is the development of nuclear weapons by the USA. The frequency of UFO activity over USA military installations is due to their nuclear capability.
Fluff and Nonsense
The question of whether the USA's military takes the potential threat of UFO's seriously has been answered in the affirmative in Dolan's first book. That it is still an issue is answered in his second.
The greater issue is the definition of "threat". To the military a threat is anything that stops them from flying planes or shooting artillery, or nuclear armed missiles. To us humans all of the above are actual, literal, you will die with your mother, threats. Language and thought have been bastardized in the service if making things go boom.
Scroll Back a Bit
Nail me to the tarmac, but here's a little anthropomorphic projection: how about the aliens are bit like us? There are power influences that change over time.
If one looks at the Malmstrom AFB and Rendelsham Forrest events one sees an extra-terrestrial force engaged in the PREVENTION of the use of nuclear arms. The greater history of reliable accounts of UFOs is that they are observing us. These select, small but well documented accounts are about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
Viewed over time our alien overseers are doing just that: watching. Now and then they intervene, especially on nuclear armed delivery mechanisms.
If the USA Congress wishes to eliminate the ET/UFO threat there are two natural conclusions:
Eliminate all nuclear weapons
Get used to the aliens, they are here to stay
There are at least two key elements to the UFO/ET topic which are omitted above. This is largely because this author has only engaged in cursory research into these topics. They are the mutilation of livestock, documented by Linda Moulton Howe, and the topic of abductions documented by many and perhaps most notably by psychiatrist Dr. John Mack.
The intentions of our visitors are unknown. Intervention on nuclear armaments would seem to be a message of calm. However, the harvesting of the reproductive organs of livestock, and the abduction of people show a more sinister objective. Persons more informed that this author posit that at least 6 varieties of ET exists, and thus one may assume that if this is the case, they may have differing objectives amongst them.
The UFO/ET topic is complex. What it requires is that which it is denied: an acceptance of the fact. From this a sensible approach of diplomacy can be begun.
INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023, Mr. Warner, from the Select Committee on Intelligence, submitted the following R E P O R T together with ADDITIONAL VIEWS, 117th Congress
S.4503 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, USA 117th Congress, 2022-07-12
UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973, Internet Archive
UFOs and the National Security State - Richard Dolan LIVE, Mr. Dolan presents a synopsis of his book at the National Press Club in 2010, UFOTV On Demand, uploaded 2010-11-11
USAF CONFIRMS UFO Incident at Malmstrom AFB, The Vegan Zombie plays an interview with a person who was at Malmstrom AFB during the "incident", The Vegan Zombie, uploaded 2019-11-08
THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT UFO TRUTH MAY 9, 2001 NATIONAL PRESS CLUB CONFERENCE WASHINGTON DC, A presentation by many witnesses of the UFO phenomena in 2001, 1AmericanRoadWarrior youtube channel, uploaded 2013-01-06
Who Benefits From US Government Claims That The UFO Threat Is Increasing 'Exponentially'?, Caitlin Johnstone, her newsletter, 2022-09-05
The Rendlesham Forest Incident: The Interview with Nick Pope and talk in Mountain View CA - 8/26/14, Interview of Nick Pope, POW Magazine, uploaded to youtube 2014-11-17
Titanic - Olympic SWITCH! Conspiracy - Documentary 2016!, Zabranjena Povijest, uploaded to youtube 2016-08-30
Muddy Waters - You Can't Loose What Your Never Had, McKinley Morganfield layin’ the blues with some serious players, Kenneth Sutherland, uploaded 2007-01-15
Note: Dear George Sands, your nom de plume has been outplayed. Muddy Waters. Take that! And take the title of this song too.
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