Published: 2025-02-23
Operation Vendetta offered two rather obvious propositions.
The people behind the existing power structures which undermined and attacked US President Trump during all three of his elections and throughout his first term are not going to back down and accept his 'mandate'.
If the root cause of congressional corruption, political funding, is not addressed then what we are seeing is a changing of the guard with some structural changes, rather than a revolution to overturn the racket which is MICIMATT.
Before summarizing some recent evidence to support these propositions, a review of Russian President Putin's recent press conference may provide some mirth.
It was called after the meeting in Riyhad broke the taboo of diplomatic contact between the US and Russia established by the BSB (Blinken, Sullivan, Biden) administration. Beyond the not so subtle diplomatic humor, it provided a wonderful contrast between the media cultures of the two nations.
Putin Sails Away
Putin started at the leeward end of the line strongly, with the first question from Interfax regarding the outcome of the US-Russia meeting. Putin provided the summary to be carried by Russian media to inform the populace. He included both the scope and his assessment of the discussion which the Kremlin wished for Russians (and the rest of the world) to understand at the time.
He declared that "we have agreed to resume normal operation of our respective diplomatic missions" and late in the answer that "the atmosphere was very friendly". For scope, he informed the Russian populace of the diplomatic topics: the Middle East (Russia in Syria & Israel-Palestine) and the "priority" of Ukraine. He continued, mentioning "global energy markets" and "outer space".
Russian society lived through the Soviet era. They understand press conferences. The open question is expected at the top for the issuance of the political framing of the news. This is not to say it is wrong, but that Russian society understands what is happening. It is expected.
Question two concerned the panic being exhibited by European leaders because the meeting was only bilateral. Putin was on gentle water with a good breeze as he tacked around the windward mark for the reaching leg.
He responded naturally, with a quesiton, asking why Russia [or the US for that matter] needed a mediator between them for "the restoration of Russian-American relations"? Having noted that without trust between them "it is impossible to resolve many problems", Putin reminded everyone that "Russia has never refused contacts with European counterparts".
He reached the second mark with:
Well, we are not imposing anything on anyone. We are prepared – I have already stated this a hundred times: if they so desire, let them conduct these negotiations, and we will be ready to return to the negotiating table
leaving the EuroVassals still tacking to windward. Gybing around the mark, Putin voiced support for Trump concerning his treatment during his first term:
They put together a team, dragged him through courts, and even created a special congressional commission. They found nothing, because there was nothing to find, and none of what they alleged ever happened.
Having observed that "All European leaders without exception directly interfered in the [most recent] US electoral process" and that Russia had not, Putin concluded with a personal statement:
Frankly, I am surprised to see the newly elected US President act with such restraint with regard to his allies who behaved in such an ugly, to put it bluntly, manner. I mean, he is acting in quite a gentlemanly manner toward them.
Putin both stroked Trump's ego and issued a stellar rebuke to the meddling (and now squabbling) European leaders. It was pure class.
The concluding two sentences of the question about the Europeans ("Everyone wants to have a voice. What should be done with all of them?") would have informed the Russian audience that the question was probably planted or approved.
One may ask, is this terrible? A Russian answer may be "Why? We are sick of being betrayed by these sycophants. They deserve the slap they are receiving." A US or European audience may not understand the level of betrayal which the Russian population feels.
Arming Nazis
In Stephen Bryen's most recent piece he argues that achieving a political settlement in Ukraine for the NATO-Russia war will be very difficult because of the nationalist (neo-Nazi) political forces, integrated into the army and government by the CIA and MI-6 and their support agencies (USAID, Foreign and Commonwealth Office etc.). These economic, political and militia forces are a problem which was reported in western media up to 2016. The coverage then disappeared. The neo-Nazis and their corrupt backers didn't.
In Russia, the plight of their relatives in Donbas has been extensively covered from the beginning of the civil war (2014) until now. Photographs of swastikas carved into the dead bodies of women from Donbas, after they were gang raped, are imprinted in their minds. Evidence of the torture of civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their shrinking invasion of Kursk has recently been catalogued. A war crimes tribunal will almost certainly be held by Russia after the conflict.
Europe and the US have been arming Nazis. Even Trump recently acknowledged Russians had suffered from this ideology while defeating it during WWII. Russia destroyed 80% of the Wehrmacht's armies at the cost of 27 million people, mostly civilians. The 80th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Great Patriotic War, as Russia refers to it, will be upon us in 10 weeks.
Energy Markets
Returning to the press conference, it would have been entirely obvious to a Russian observer that the sixth and last question was almost certainly planted or approved. The questioner asked of the recent drone attack on the pipeline from Kazakh gas fields, owned by a consortium of US, European and Russia energy companies, which transits Russia.
Again, Putin is addressing multiple audiences and multiple objectives with his response. Firstly, it concerned "global energy markets", a topic now being addressed by a working group between the Russian and US governments following the Riyhad meeting, and one which Trump has repeatedly stated is of importance to him. Secondly, Putin mentioned the 16th round of sanctions from the EU, under van der Crazy (Leyen).
After noting that "[Russia] hardly get[s] any money from this transit – figuratively speaking, just a few pennies" and that he "was just informed that Europeans countries have extended their sanctions against Russia, specifically prohibiting the supply of Western oil and gas production equipment to us", Putin set up the take down with "What does this mean?":
It means that just two days after the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out the attack, European leaders announced that repairing this facility would be impossible – because it mostly features European-made equipment, including components manufactured by the Germany company Siemens. Even if the necessary equipment were delivered tomorrow or the day after, repairs would still take 45 to 60 days. But now, the equipment will not be supplied at all.
If one wishes to rile about controlled press conferences, make the comparison with Washington D.C. There, if a journalist asks difficult questions they are laughed at based on snide, insider, access-journalist jokes, or carried out of the room. In Russia, their President speaks without notes, informatively on recent events with delightful rebukes and humor. It may be set up, but it is at least sophisticated.
Consistently held diplomatic positions were exploited for advantage in changing diplomatic conditions, as opposed to watching access journalists titter over a US spokesperson issuing lies or policy reversals.
MIC Counter-Revolution
Returning to the MICIMATT’s counter-revolutionary efforts, the Pentagon responded with a "Not on you're Nellie" to Secretary of Defense Hegseth's request for a plan for a 5 year, progressive, year-by-year, 8% reduction in spending. "Hegseth, you can moved the deck chairs around, but you can't throw then off the Titanic!" was the Pentagon's response. "We'll change where we spend the money, but not how much of it."
Another well researched article from Mike Whitney identified Norm Eisen as a nexus of lawfare against Musk's D.O.G.E. US lawyer Eisen co-founded Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), an NGO which has collaborated with Soros derivative Foundations and other USAID funded organizations in the soft power arm of the MICIMATT. Eisen has ties back to one of the deep state foreign policy institutions, The Brookings Institute.
There was, however, one piece of alarm in Whitney's piece. He "asked" Grok 3, a Musk funded AI about Eisen's role in the lawfare. Thankfully, Whitney followed up on assertions from the AI by digging to obtain the supporting evidence which the robot did not provide. Are we heading down a path of using AI as a reputable source for documenting political warfare? Not yet, but the signs are worrisome.
Back to the Pentagon, and under the aegis of AI, the battle for 'defense contracts' using mechanized intelligence is well under way, as predicted. Whitney Webb published a heavily researched warning back in July, 2024. Currently, the State of Ohio is investing in constructing a large facility for Theil offshoot, Anduril Industries. The loop of corruption to have state funds allocated to build a facility for a private company so that it can more successfully bid for government contracts has yet to be fully documented. That it is there to be found, is almost certain.
This is but one of what can be expected to be many cases which support the proposition that we are not seeing an attack on corruption, but a vendetta against certain elements of the corrupt US system. The new tech billionaires are using Trump to muscle out old billionaires. From a defense industry perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing, if one is interested in better war toys. If, however, one is interested in peace, this may be the price to enable Trump to redirect the ship of state, resolve some US armed kinetic warfare and possibly re-address nuclear arms limitations which he abandoned last time he was in the Oval Office.
Whatever the case, the Military Industrial Congressional arm of MICIMATT is looking alive and well. At least Putin still cracks a good diplomatic joke after having defeated NATO on the battlefield.
Robot Wars
An old trope has rightly resurfaced in various discussions from numerous US commentators. The question is: why should the US expend public funds or its military personnel to fight European wars? [For now, lets ignore that the US constructed the Ukraine war.]
It took two false flag operations to get the US involved in the previous two "world wars" started in Europe. For WWI it was the sinking of the Lusitania which was transporting gun cotton to be sold by US manufacturers to the European belligerents. For WWII, the attack on Pearl Harbor was allowed after US aircraft carriers were moved out of the way. In both cases, it was European banking institutions, reconstituted in New York, and their industrial clientele, who profitted from the US involvement in those wars. Here, again, we return to Smedley Butler and "war is a racket".
The point I wish to offer is that the rest of the world agrees with the reasserted US position. Why should they fight European wars? With the death of the old Empires, how are France, Germany, Spain, or the UK to convince others to fight their wars? With the waning of the US empire, as it moved to proxy wars relying on propaganda media, which is also waning, who if anybody, wants to fight Europe's wars?
The Western military industrial complexes are moving to robot wars because they can't recruit humans to fight in them anymore. Whether or not this turns out to be an improvment will be decided by how effectively the world's populations can throw off the influence of the emotional propanda issued by soft power institutions, and how effectively they can insert peace into politics.
US offers UN resolution on war in Ukraine that's far short of rival European statement; AP News;; 2025-02-22
The United States has proposed a draft U.N. resolution for Monday, just short of the 3rd anniversary of the beginning of the international phase of the war in Ukraine.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio, in a statement late Friday, said the United States believes “this is the moment to commit to ending the war. This is our opportunity to build real momentum toward peace.” He said that “while challenges may arise, the goal of lasting peace remains achievable” and that with the resolution, “we affirm that this conflict is awful, that the U.N. can help end it, and that peace is possible.”
The US will achieve huge international support leaving the UK and some other European nations to argue that the resolution does not go far enough. It is nice to see the US using the security council for its purpose, to build pressure for peace, rather than vetoing resolutions calling for it.
This is a big and trivial power play. Kudos to Trump’s US government.
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Russian President Putin Answers questions from media representatives; Kremlin; Natylie's Place: Understanding Russia; 2025-02-21
War of Words with Zelensky: Will It Lead to a Ukraine Deal?; Stephen Bryen; Weapons and Strategy; 2025-02-21
Meet Norm Eisen - The Man Who Derailed Trump's Anti-Corruption Campaign; Mike Whitney; The Unz Review; 2025-02-19
Hegseth orders 8% cut to Pentagon budget. Not so fast.; William Hartung; Responsible Statecraft; 2025-02-20
The AI weapon army goes to Ohio; Stavroula Pabst; Responsible Statecraft; 2025-02-20
The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think; Whitney Webb; Unlimited Hangout; 2024-07-18
anduril Archives -- Unlimited Hangout
Interview 1035 – James Perloff on the 100th Anniversary of the Lusitania False Flag, Corbett interviews Perloff, The Corbett Report, 2015-05-01
🎧 MP3
Corbett Report Radio 050 – Deconstructing Pearl Harbor with Robert Stinnett; Crobett interviews Stinnett; The Corbett Report; 2012-01-17
🎧 MP3
Operation Vendetta: The Deep State; YesXorNo; 2025-02-20
Richard Sakwa: End of the Political West; Glenn Diesen; Glenn Diesen; 2025-02-21
Amb. Chas Freeman: EU FUMING! Zelensky PANICS as Trump ABANDONS Ukraine!; Alkhorshid interviews Freeman; Dialogue Works; 2025-02-21
UK/EU take ownership of project Ukraine. Preemptive coup; Christoforou and Mercouris; The Duran; 2025-02-21
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I have a simple hypotehsis which seems to work pretty well:
1. 99% of all career politicians are compromised or owned
2. all billionnaires are crooks
3. never listen to what (1) and (2) SAY, but always look at what they DO
I listerally ignore their words and only try to focus on their actions. If you see their lips moving, they are lying.
Thank you