The Origins and Emergence of SARS-CoV-2
Zoonotic or Engineered, release Accidental or Deliberate
Publication date: 2021-08-09
[Image: from Unz Review, but credited by them as “US biolabs in 25 countries around Russia and China and in Africa (from Dilyana Gaytandzhieva)”]
I wish to commend to your attention a very well researched and referenced opinion on the origins of CoVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. It is not for the faint-hearted, but follows my dictates for consideration: it is interesting and well referenced.
Before getting to the "meat and potatoes", this little rabbit hole will require in excess of 4 hours of reading to do it justice. You have been warned. Nonetheless, whether you agree or disagree with the hypothesis presented by Mr Unz, within the sources I hope you will find many interesting references on a wide variety of topics. The journey itself should be valuable.
Origins of CoVID-19
We require the use to two binaries to create the possibilities. The virus:
occurred naturally; the zoonotic hypothesis
was engineered by humans
I wish to make it very clear that I am not a microbiologist, and have no "dog in this fight". The zoonotic hypothesis is the most calming, and generally the most plausible. Let us consider the other possibility.
The virus was engineered and was released:
by accident
Ron Unz's theory is the latter of the latter. It is extremely well referenced and persuasively argued. Extreme claims require very good evidence.
My investigation began by reading Ron Unz's piece on US Biowarfare. It is extensive and fascinating, and has nothing to do with CoVID-19. One of its most interesting aspects is drawing a connection between biowarfare and the MK-ULTRA mind control parts of military research. This alone is worth your time, even if you do not wish to wade in the waters of viral phylogenetics.
I strongly recommend reading this article first.
The Hypothesis
The summary of Unz's theory is:
SARS-CoV-2 was released in Wuhan by a small sub-section of the USA's national security deep state at a time that coincided with the Military Games held in that city
The timing of the release was before the Chinese Lunar New Year in a central Chinese transport hub to cause maximal distribution
The intention was economic warfare
The mid-November DIA report into a "cataclysmic" outbreak of an infectious disease in Hubei province was a warning for the USA to prepare to handle the outbreak
This last point, the "denied" DIA report gives quite some of the game away. The dedicated response by the Chinese and dithering response by the USA lead to an outcome which was the polar opposite of that intended, if one assumes the hypothesis.
Essentially we are asked to consider four hypotheses:
A zoonotic origin. Mr Unz provides numerous "circumstantial" type references to weaken this hypothesis, but certainly does not discount it.
Lab leak at Ft. Detrick. Mr Unz demolishes this with logic and data.
Lab leak at Wuhan Virology Lab. Mr Unz strongly weakens this with statements by a knowledgeable first hand source, and secondary sources.
USA biowarfare. Mr Unz provides good referencing and argumentation to support this hypothesis.
Its all in the sources. Exercise your mind and come to your own conclusions.
I emphasize discarding the notion that “people would never do such a thing”. A study of the use of false flag attacks shows that people in power do horrible things. You dont event need false flags. Just look at the 2003 invasion of Iraq, or as the Vietnamese call it the “American War”, or the Pearl Harbor attacks after the USA had cracked the “Purple” diplomatic code.
One could reflect, on this anniversary, upon the dropping by the USA of the hydrogen bomb on Nagasaki, and view that naked evil in all of its distainful munificence.
Mr Unz provides copious referencing in his articles. Below are some of the key ones to ease the "link following".
This is the recent article on biowarfare which is not about CoVID-19. Start here.
American Pravda: Waging Biological Warfare, Ron Unz
This is the most recent summary of Ron’s thesis:
American Pravda: the Covid Epidemic as Lab-Leak or Biowarfare? Ron Unz
This is an earlier presentation of the hypothesis, at the end of which he clearly summarises his thesis:
American Pravda: Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year, Ron Unz
This is an article by a former bioweapons researcher which was published by Unz Review, and is quite interesting.
Was Coronavirus a Biowarfare Attack Against China? OldMicrobiologist
This is a research article by Whitney Webb detailing more of the bioweapons research structures in the USA:
Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Whitney Webb
Good luck.
To calm your nerves, I offer a beautiful song about the weakness of the powerful. Oh, the joy of a metronomic drum brush, a bass leading, and a sorrowful clarinet.