Published: 2024-04-11
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs has issued public statements directly opposed to the US establishment position on a series of extremely important topics or events, including:
the underlying cause of the current war with Russia in Ukraine was the 2014 US run coup
in the context of the genocide in Gaza, the current ruling coalition of Israel is a "criminal government"
the US government was likely behind the largest energy infrastructure attack in history, the terrorist destruction and environmental disaster of the NordStream attack
the CoVID virus was produced in a biolab
elements of the US government, namely the CIA, were involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
While these concepts may not be new or news to readers of this newsletter, they have likely been shocking for US citizens who have heard them on establishment media. So alarmed by his comments were the channel on which he uttered his beliefs of the US' role in the NordStream sabotage that he was yanked from the program, mid program.
Ron Unz offers a consideration of the transformation of Sachs from a prominent though invisible member of the establishment into a very visible, prominent, outspoken critic of many of its narratives. Unz was two decades ago an editor at The Conservative American, himself a significant and invisible member of the establishment. In the article he describes both the transformation he has seen in Sachs, and that of his own as he reconfigured his "own reality-detection apparatus".
Considering both his international stature and the very broad range of his courageous public positions, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs may easily rank as the most consequential American ideological defector of the last one hundred years
The article provides an informed analysis or description of the process of transformation, the Red-Pilling, of the two. It is may be instructive in the process which most readers of this newsletter have undergone and through which one must travel reading "alternative history". It provides an opportunity for self-reflection and a re-understanding of the challenge which sits between the "normies" and a deeper understanding of history and reality.
Throughout the article, Unz refers to other articles in his “American Pravda" series. This compendium of significant, detailed, scholarly works charts the course of Unz' process of realization. It also serves as an excellent library to guide and assist persons about whom we care embarking their own journey of realization.
For these four reasons, the two descriptions of transformation, the reflection on transformation itself, and the references into the "American Pravda" resource, Unz' article will, I expect, be a rich source of affirmation and materials for readers of this newsletter.
The article is, like much of Unz' work, extensive. They require one to allocate sufficient time. There is a hidden benefit within the length of these articles. They take time to consume, and through that time the reader is given opportunity to adjust through the process of realization. It was exactly this approach, with some of Unz' work in Amercan Pravda, through which your author reached his bioweapon conclusion on the origin of the CoVID virus.
The article is both a sign post, and a gateway to a rich resource.
American Pravda: The Transformation of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Ron Unz, The Unz Review, 2024-04-01
The American Pravda Series, Ron Unz, The Unz Review
The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line (Official Video), their tribute to recently deceased Roy Orbison as the last track on their 1988 album “The Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1”, uploaded 2016-05-20
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