Published: 2024-07-07
A Broken Clock Tells the Right Time Twice a Day while A Broken EU Never Promotes Peace on its Doorstep
The war in Ukraine is exposing just how pathetic and malign the EU is as a political organisation. Its parliament cannot introduce legislation. It has two executive branches, the Commission and the Council. The Commission is headed by appointees ratified by the parliament, not the people. The Council has an appointed Presdient. It has another President (go figure), the incumbant of the rotating presidency. The rotating presidents are the members of the council, the member states' political leaders, who are elected by citizens. But the remit of the rotating presidency is limited to the smooth functioning of the parliament and excludes foreign policy.
The whole thing is broken, as far removed from democracy as one could be while still holding 'elections'.
The biggest problem facing Europe is the war in Ukraine. This is causing uncontrolled immigration. The people of Europe let their representatives understand their objection to this very loudly in the recent elections. The economic attacks employed by the EU Commission against one side of the conflict, Russia, have devastated European industry. During the war the US destroyed the Nordstream II piplelines which provided a stable, affordable energy supply to Europe's strongest economy, Germany.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has just assumed the rotating presidency of the Council. He made his first task an attempt to begin finding a resolution to the war. In response, the elected-by-politicians appointees of both executive branches of the EU have told Orban to stop, as has the EU’s appointed diplomat.
The EU's officials are preventing a possibility of peace. Their language could not be clearer. They want war.
Josep Borrell [the EU's "top diplomat"]:
“The E.U. position on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is reflected in many European Council conclusions.”
“That position excludes official contacts between the E.U. and President Putin.“
i.e No talking to Russia.
Charles Michel [the non-rotating president of the European Council]:
“The European Council is clear."
"Russia is the aggressor, Ukraine is the victim. No discussions about Ukraine can take place without Ukraine.”
i.e Only talk to Ukraine
Rolling out her favourite 1938 "appeasement" rubbish, EU Commission President van der Crazy [Leyen]:
Appeasement will not stop Putin.
i.e No talking to Russia
Just to be crystal clear, the EU declares its aims in foreign policy in its official "Aims and Values" document:
The EU’s aims are laid out in article 3 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Great. Lets have a look:
Article 3
The Union's aim is to promote peace ...
So, all three of these "leaders" of the EU are traitors to the aims of the organisation. They should all be taken to the EU's highest court, tried and if found guilty receive the full weight of the law (another of EU's 'values').
Van der Crazy's tweet continued with:
Only unity and determination will pave the path to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.
Lets just smash this stupidity out of the park:
There are no "just" settlements of wars. The injustice is the war. The injustice is done and continuing. Settlements are compromises.
The same is true of 'comprehensive'. There is no 'comprehensive' in settlements, there are compromises.
She can take her 'lasting' and shove it were the sun don't shine: she has supported this war from its inception.
The path van der Crazy is following is for more war.
The further along this path the EU keeps walking the less 'unity' there will be in the EU. The "path" van der Crazy is setting is for the dissolution of the EU. The EU Commission's support for a loan to Ukraine based on the profits accured from the Russian Central Bank's assets impounded in Euroclear has destroyed international confidence in Europeans banking institutions. Van der Crazy and her unelected ilk are destroying the EU and Ukraine.
All of this political insanity is the EU top official's response to the first effective effort made by any senior member of the EU to actually do what they're meant to and "promote peace".
Following Orban's visit to Kiev and then Moscow, to hear the political voices of both sides of the conflict, he updated the world with the unsurprising news that much effort is required to create a peace. At Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin's press event in Moscow, the Russian President began by re-issuing Russia's offer of peace which the EU has previously rejected and continues to reject. As noted, this is because its leadership wants war. In contrast, surveys of the citizenry show that they want peace.
Why no peace process?
President Putin gave insight into why it is that Ukraine continues to refuse to negotiate: when a ceasefire is achieved, Ukraine will lose its martial law and be forced to hold the presidential elections which its current expired-president Zelensky has deferred. The Russian President continued, by stating the obvious: the chance of Zelensky being re-elected is nil.
The Russian President's insight is useful. The political leadership of the losing side of a war is reticient to end the war for that is political suicide. Instead, they commit homocide by continuing the war. This continuation of war is even more likely if the leader of the losing side is profiting from the war.
The same situation, with a twist, is happening in the other war which the US is profiting from and supporting. In Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu's political career is also dependent on maintaining their war. He will not only lose the prime ministership but likely his freedom, from charges of corruption received before the war he is continuing, soon after the war ends.
This pattern for political leaders receiving military support from the US is consistent, for the US never wins its wars. Can you pick a national leader in living memory which has benefited politically after a war supported by the US?
The Taliban are back in power in Afghanistan. Iran has more influence in Iraq than before the US invasion of 2003. Libya is still at (civil) war. The "moderate rebels" have not removed al Assad in Syria, but are dead. The Kurds are no closer to a state of their own. Zelensky has lost his war in Ukraine.
One can thus send some seasoned advice to leaders around the world: don't accept military support from the US for a war, you'll lose politically and get trapped in a losing war.
To end on a positive note, Europe has seen the emergence of a real leader in Orban. He has consistently advocated against the war, pled for negotiation. He knew that his trip to Kiev and Moscow is outside of the remit of the rotating council presidency role, as he stated:
“Even if the rotating EU-Presidency has no mandate to negotiate on behalf of the E.U., we cannot sit back and wait for the war to miraculously end.”
He clearly described his objective:
“We will serve as an important tool in making the first steps toward peace.”
[you] “cannot make peace from a comfortable armchair in Brussels.”
Orban obviously saw the effort to create peace as more important than whatever formal restrictions exist on the "rotating presidency".
He is trying to save lives and couldn't give a toss about what a clutch of technocrats has to say about it. Hungary can be proud.
The technocrats should find themselves in court. And, if that court is just, they will then enjoy an EU prison.
PS: The reason the globalists are so pissed off with Orban is because he did this just before the NATO summit in Washington D.C. Orban is tarnishing their limelight. He is a clever politician who they don’t control, and nothing is more infuriating for them.
Let us watch the growing call for peace, now that Hungary/Orban has got the ball rolling. The intial group of nations proposing peace and negotiations that includes Russia is:
BRICS/SCO, Russia (Putin), Hungary (Orban), Slovakia (Fico)
To this, we add:
2024-07-05: Bulgaria (acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev)
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Hungarian leader Viktor Orban visits Moscow, angering E.U. allies, Emily Rauhala, Washington Post, 2024-07-05
‘Peace mission’: Hungary’s Orban meets Putin in Russia, defying EU leaders, no author, Al Jazeera, 2024-07-05
Viktor Orban’s peace mission to Moscow, Gilbert Doctorow, Gilbert Doctorow, 2024-07-06
Aims and values, EU
Hungary Initiates REAL Peace Talks With Russia! Orban Visits Putin! Globalist Furious!, Pascal Lottaz, Neutrality Studies, 2024-07-07
EU, NATO angry as Orban visits Moscow to talk peace, Christorofou and Mercouris, The Duran, 2024-07-07
Here’s the latest from Dima on how Ukraine is being destroyed because its criminal “partners” refuse to negotiate from the terms of settlement offered by Russia.
From Dima’s video there are 4 small fronts west and northwest of the two large fronts north of Kharkiv
The Heat🔥Bloody Massacre In Hlyboke⚔Dissection Of The Kupiansk Direction. Military Summary 2024.7.6
Casualties for Ukraine from the Russian Ministry of Defence (from the site recently used by Andrei Martyanov):
Copyleft: CC0
Also it’s important to not make the mistake of describing blatant US stooges like Ursula Von der Liar, as “technocrats”.
That term is used to describe people with actual professional-technical qualifications, who would actually take decisions based on analysis, but perhaps lack emotional context or empathy.
Which is different from being a corrupt failed German political figure with no professional or educational credibility, placed at the top of the EU as a stooge.
Those are tro totally different things.
And the problem with the EU in Brussels is it’s stuffed with pure stooges. Not technocrats. The U.S. even recently attempted to have an American stuffed in there as competition commissioner - to gut all protections against the excesses of big U.S. corporations- but that was too blatant and it failed.
“Uncontrolled migration” is a myth. Try crossing any border in the world and you find that out very quickly. Nor is being a refugee a picnic or uncontrolled movement.
As for the hordes of Ukrainians flooding into Europe, that movement is carefully controlled. You get free entry into any European country for being “white” enough, even if you are from a country known to be lawless, mafia-ridden, culturally corrupt and riddled with Nazi sympathy.
Try showing up at the European border with brown skin and socialist or communist beliefs and those borders wide open to Ukrainians are closed to you.
But here it’s not merely the EU executive clerks who are at fault. The acceptance of these Ukrainians who don’t actually share European- espoused liberal democratic values is wide open in the European population. Because racism is a deep problem in Europe.
Already I have noted in Norway and the UK there are candidates for parliamentary office and active political party people who are not only from this new flood of Ukrainians but also seem to have ties to the U.S. Draw your own conclusions about what is happening to European local politics from here on out….