Publication date: 2022-12-11
Update 2022-12-12: an update is added describing one of the many interesting points made by Vlahos and Macgregor.
Let's let the experts speak for themselves.
Col. Douglas Macgregor joins Dr. Michael Vlahos to discuss the Ukraine conflict. Vlahos has taught military strategy at numerous prominent military schools. I trust that Macgregor is familiar to you. Worry not. Vlahos provides their credentials in the first few minutes of the first video.
Thanks to MoonOfAlabama for highlighting these informed discussions. I echo his advice. If you wish to understand the recent history, current state and likely short term developments in the Ukrainian conflict, listen to these discussions between these well informed men.
Vlahos and Macgregor are "military men". Their worldview is of nation state defence and conflict. They break this limitation of view on occasion but repeatedly return to it.
One of the repeated topics is examining USA military campaigns since WWII. Macgregor quotes Clausowitz in describing two types of war: Wars of Decision and Wars of Observation. A war of decision is an existential war. It must be won. Macgregor characterizes wars of observation and "low intensity" or "lesser engagements". Since WWII the USA's military have been involved in wars of observation. They were not wars which imposed direct threat to the USA's soil. In these repeated wars they have perhaps two "successes", Gulf War 1 (against Iraq) and the military intervention in Serbia. These were successful militarily but the outcomes post conflict were only partially or not successful.
Macgregor then compares this experience to that of Russia. Russia has withstood two invasions from Europe by France and then then Germany. These conflicts saw many losses for Russia. In each case they are ultimately victorious. Macgregor's comment is that these losses which lead to a final victory create among the population a sense of nationalism and unity which does not exist in the modern USA. Macgregor is highlighting a stark cultural difference between the populations and their military leaderships of these two nations.
The implication, and he partially mentions this, is that the proxy-war in Ukraine is a "war of observation" for the USA and a "war of decision" for Russia. This is true, and it matters.
Ukraine SitRep - Catastrophic Losses, Failing Wonder Weapons, NATO Escalation, b., MoonOfAlabama, 2022-12-10
Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is the war in Ukraine entering its decisive phase? Pt.1, Michael Vlahos' youtube channel, 202-12-09
Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Why NATO strategic failure? A war of deceit, denial Pt2, Michael Vlahos' youtube channel, 202-12-09
Michael Vlahos & Douglas Macgregor What is to be done? Can a corrupted US military be renewed? Pt.3, Michael Vlahos' youtube channel, 202-12-09
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