This little newsletter is an attempt to publish informed opinion, with links to sources. The inspiration for this newsletter and the provision of sources was James Corbett.
The core topics are:
technology and society
The most important button on the menu bar is Archive. It clears all of the clutter from the front page and just lists the articles and podcasts in chronological order. If you do not intend to subscribe but would like to visit now and then, this is the page you bookmark.
Publications are usually articles, though a weekly podcast “Week in Review” is also published. “Week in Review” is a 15 to 25 minute episode where articles of the week are reviewed and other important topics are covered which lack of time (aka my “day job”) prevented articles being written about. Of course, sources are published for these topics.
The articles are currently divided into three channels, YesXorNo (Home) which is most of them, Interesting Articles which is a sporadic article highlighting interesting stuff a little like the equivalent section from the podcast, and SocTech (Society and Technology) a channel used for that topic, though publications to it are fairly rare.
Lastly, many articles come with a Culture section which is usually a musical recording or song often from western popular music ranging from the 1950’s to the present. These sections are to remind us of the importance of art in our lives and honor the work done, in this case, by musical artists.
Feel free to share posts, use the “like” button or comment. If you wish to be critical in a comment please criticize an argument not the person. Commentaries which extends an article with additional opinion, or even better, experience and/or links to related writings are greatly appreciated.
Welcome aboard!
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