[Image: a composite of the title images from the top 6 articles.]
Published: 2023-10-31
Dear Community,
This month the number of views for articles published in this newsletter crossed into 5 digits, 100 000+. I am honored by the gift of your time and thank you for it.
Below are the half a dozen most viewed articles: selected and ordered by you.
But before that, I took a cursory look at the surveillance stats which are gathered by this publishing platform. In them I found more than 50 subscribers who signed up before email announcements were begun, back in the dark ages of this newsletter when the quality of my writing was even worse than it is now. They do not include family or friends are not only still here but engaged with the publication.
To these people I am especially grateful. You inspire humility and persistence.
The community selected articles are ...
(I've included the article sub-title [thus], if there is one.)
US Intelligence Leaks [A minor mutiny in the halls of the Pentagon], YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2023-04-12
Ukraine/DPR+LPR: Death of the Minsk Agreements and the Onset of Many a Speech, YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2022-02-22
Dutch Farmers' Protests: Government Backs Itself into a Corner Due to Decades of Inaction [Government Backs Itself into a Corner Due to Decades of Inaction], YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2022-07-07
Automating Common Action with Free Software [Using and embracing customization/extensibility], SocTech/YesXorNo, 2023-06-06
Russian Federation President Putin Addresses the Valdai Club: A Transition is Declared, YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2022-10-28
The "Spring" Counteroffensive has begun in Ukraine, YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2023-06-06
Thank you all very much.
NB: I am proud that in the sources for the above articles, Youtube/Google/Alphabet Inc. has chosen to delete/ban 3 video references. 🖕
Subscriber Surveillance: A Public Service Announcement including the Fine Print, YesXorNo/YesXorNo, 2022-08-10
The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love? (Official Music Video)
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