Sad to hear the news about Clare Daly. I look forward to her reemergence in some role. She is too big and important a personality to just fade away.

I find your synopsis and commentary indispensible. Thank you.

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Yes, sad to lose such a positive voice for peace and reason.

You are most welcome, Pietro.

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This is quite right. They are psychopaths with no capacity to reflect. And no plan. Just maniacal.

Stoltenberg BTW is just a stooge, he takes orders and parrots whatever his masters in Langley and DC tell him.

His most recent utterance was today the declaration that the US has lots of nukes in Europe and is ready to give them to all the European NATO countries.

OK. Wow.

So what’s the plan? Even a successful first strike wave on Russia, even unanswered would kill hundreds of millions of Europeans in those NATO countries from radiation poisoning.

So this is a supposed European “leader” offering self-genocide as a threat ? WTF?

Nukes are only a useful strategy for the Americans to destroy Europe as a sacrificial pawn in a scenario that is itself even less likely than total annihilation of the entire human race

Worst yet NONE in the European countries or media grasp this.

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NATO is proving to the rest of the world just how stupid and dangerous it is.

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