Published: 2023-07-01
Dear Readership,
A sequence of major events in this author's life have led to a few major changes, one of which has been a change of continent and returning to my roots in Australia. The other events have led to other more internal changes.
I will be taking a break from publishing for a while. I dont know how long, and when I return, for I will at some point, I dont yet know what I'll be writing about. What I do know is that even then publishing volume will be reduced.
I'd like to thank you all for taking this journey with me. It has been rewarding and your interest in these publications has been a constant flow of gifts from anonymity, a special pleasure.
The first phase of the newsletter is from inception to when the email notification mechanism was engaged. These articles are often thematic, drawing from a study of alternate history and different world views, like the Mackinderian analysis mentioned in the second anniversary publication and ideas drawn partially from James Corbett's work.
The second phase is event driven, where these ideas sit behind articles which attempt to contextualize recent events. During this phase sourcing became even more important.
There are two articles in which I describe or provide reference to the people and places from where the ideas and the events awareness are obtained; the "Meeting Requests" and "Links" articles. If you've been around here for a while, I'll pay you a compliment. You already understand that the form of commercial and most of the public sector media too, are peddling narratives. The major commercial news organisations derive their "what to report on, and how" from the three major wire services (Reuters, AP and AFP). This is reinforced by the major overt power organisations like NATO, the Atlantic Council and a plethora of feeding organisations known as Think Tanks which are anything but. You already know this, so you are smarter than the average bear.
In the independent media space, parts of it are almalgamating for survival against the shadow banning and funding source blockade attacks, others don't care because funding is not important. The military intelligence agencies and their allies already control narratives in the "social media" spaces and are being aided and abetted by the controllers of them (meta, twitter, amazon, google etc.). There are organisational structures within the indpependent media space which are struggling on and form the majority of my written sources. They are Antiwar (which is the best, bar none, source of event news), and publications like ScheerPost, Consortium news and a few others for opinion and analysis. With these organisations are smaller, often single person sites like Indianpunchline by M.K.B, MoonofAlabama (Bernard), and a collection of others.
Systemic analysis is more difficult to find. The leader is, without a doubt, James Corbett, though there are others.
There is one overriding systemic change happening and that is Technocracy, bending the information revolution towards data gathering and using that to control markets and behaviour. The bulwarks against this are all largely poisoned because they are each partially effective: education, language, the arts, organized labour and law.
TPTB (The powers that be) have not forgotten how effective the COVID pandemic was in transforming society, and this is true irrespective of what you believe about its origins. Expect more of the "biosecurity state" as Corbett would put it. This is a tool which fits perfectly in the Problem-Reaction-Solution category for manipulating society towards certain outcomes. Other coming elements of The Technocracy include the removal of cash via various nasty mechanism like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). All of this is currently powered by via mobiles phones. Just wait for them to start rolling out augmented reality and various forms of implants, the cyborg revolution.
But, back to you, dear readers. You know all of this too. So, good luck with your future. Care for your health and relationships. Keep learning and if you're a talkative sort like me, good luck with finding people with which you can discuss these ideas so that you can learn with them.
Various YesXorNo articles, linked above.
The Scientist, Coldplay (from that amazing album), back from the start.
All the best
Wishing you good luck also and hope Australia doesn’t become the tyrannical entity it threatened to be during the plandemic. Independent media maybe relatively obscure today but it is growing apace.