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Incredible analysis, especially concerning resources; the real power controlling the world. But honestly, I don’t think the ultra-rich (the trillionaire 1/10th of one percent war-profiteers) who ultimately control the economy and most resources are factoring or can give a shit about the world economy, not when you consider they have been in “total control” and responsible for current conditions in the first place.

I believe the whole world could collapse for all they care, along with all the millionaires and 90% of all billionaires. If you consider the oligarchy’s luxury, deep bomb shelters they have built up over the centuries, which nobody else on earth has access to, including the most powerful leadership of nations, they’ve already considered plans to retire to these locations for a few years after using nukes as a plan B, which I believe they’d prefer.

Just short of plan B, however, their plans of gaining total control by-way-of the New World Order—Great Reset—microchipping every human, CBDC’s, which seems pretty obvious is their main objective just shy of total world annihilation, I reflect back on what you’ve recently covered: FalseFlag events; the two American war ships recently deployed within range of decimating Iran, then escalating into a world war. The oligarchs, who invented Zionism; Israel have always planned on ending Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lydia (as General Wesley Clark has said), including all of Saudi Arabia…the whole bloody Middle East, Eurasia-Russia, and the lesser-Jews of Israel. Keep in mind, the bought leadership of the world controlling the nuclear option really believe their underground shelters are sufficient, yet in the Rothschild’s own protocols of the 1800’s they brag about and insist they have the power from their better shelters to implode all of “their” world leader’s bunkers with all archives to completely wipe out over 95% of all humans and our history, and that includes the slaves that were driven to Israel (brainwashed terrified Zionist Jews), who believing they are “chosen” and will survive this event, in spite of centuries of religious future-telling insisting Israel would be completely destroyed; a self-fulfilling end-of-times event. Yes, chosen to be exterminated with the rest of the world, just as most Orthodox Jews will admit. This whole matter is nuts and most have no clue just how volatile our shit, bought leaders have made things.

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