Came upon the article a little late with so much to catch up on. The question: is there climate change? Of course! We are currently in a 400-year cycle known as the Grand Solar Minimum 2021-2053. The last one, known also as the Maunder Minimum, took place 400 years ago when the Thames and other northern rivers froze over. This GSM will not be as severe according to Astro physicist Valentina Zharkova whose research into present and future climate trends is fascinating. Interestingly, as an aside, whole dynasties collapsed during that cycle as populations turned against their leaders for lack of food - normal growing seasons reduced by a month.
Came upon the article a little late with so much to catch up on. The question: is there climate change? Of course! We are currently in a 400-year cycle known as the Grand Solar Minimum 2021-2053. The last one, known also as the Maunder Minimum, took place 400 years ago when the Thames and other northern rivers froze over. This GSM will not be as severe according to Astro physicist Valentina Zharkova whose research into present and future climate trends is fascinating. Interestingly, as an aside, whole dynasties collapsed during that cycle as populations turned against their leaders for lack of food - normal growing seasons reduced by a month.