Thank you, Papillon. The article has been updated to acknowledge this depressing information.

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No problem, anyway, the symbolism of the tapestry had no significance for the hypocrites from UN and their political visitors...:)

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Papillon, yes, many a visitor to the UN Security Council chamber has failed to take heed of that which Picasso was visually speaking. However, the UN is staffed by many persons exacting effort to document the nature of the world. The subjugation of the OPCW stands as a salient example of visitors need to prevent their honest work.


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The clever Germans underestimated Russia's resolve. NATO too will do the same.

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NATO's underestimation and Russia's resolve will lead to the killing of tens of thousands more people. Or the Ukrainian Nazis can retake captured and integrated areas and they will kill thousands of citizens. Nothing good will come from any of this.

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