Friggin' in the Riggin'
The global scope (includling the USA) of election rigging by the USA's intelligence agencies with help from the MSM
[Image: the upper portion of a letter to Mr. Anthony Blinken from two Committees of the USA’s Congress.]
Published: 2023-04-24
How can one rig an election? Here's a short non-exhaustive list:
War: prevent any elections by invading a country
Assassination: kill the elected leader
Funding: heavily fund and coordinate opposition groups
Coups: having an encumbent political leader removed from office via legal or military intervention
Bribery: control electoral officials (this includes things like ballot box stuffing)
Selection: control who is allowed to stand in the election (of which assassination is a sub-case)
Thought Control: brainwashing an electorate with absolute rubbish (aka ‘narrative control’)
Does the USA do this? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
The next question is where do they do this? The answer to that is everywhere, or anywhere where they feel inclined, including the USA itself.
Congress to the (Dis-)Honorable Antony Blinken
Following the publication of the story by the New York Post that they had the laptop of presidential candidate Joseph Biden's son Hunter, and that it detailed a slew of evidence of damning behaviour, a statement was released signed by 51 current or former members of the USA's Intelligence Community to quash information coming from that laptop as "Russian Disinformation".
One of the few journalists to follow up on this story was Glenn Greenwald. So heavy was the pressure on the press to quash this story that, in the end, Greenwald had to leave the outlet he had established with two colleagues years earlier at the time of the Snowden revelations. Meanwhile social media were blinding or suppressing links to or statements about the Hunter Biden laptop story. Indeed, the New York Post had its Twitter account suspended.
The chairmen of Committee on the Judiciary and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Jim Jordan and Michael R. Turner, respectively, have written a letter to the current Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. Therein are contained statements by Mike Morell, former Deputy Director of the CIA, that the motivation for the release of the statement signed by 51 Intelligence officers was to help Biden win the presidential election against incumbent President Trump. Let me translate that:
51 current of former members of the intelligence community committed to rigging the election by lying (deception) against the sitting office holder
The USA's media, having been played mercilessly by Trump during the previous election jumped on board with the Social Media giants to suppress the story, thus colluding with the lying intelligence officers. By collude I mean that they just trotted out the "Russian Disinformation" line without actually investigating the data. This, of course, Greenwald had done which lead him to state that the data was authentic and thus deserved reporting as it was in the public interest. But none of this from the MSM, just trotting out anonymous statements by senior "officials".
From where did the motivation for the "51 intelligence officials" come? ‘Twas Mr Blinken, to which the Congressional letter is addressed. Again, to translate:
Blinken, representing the Biden campaign (and thus the Democratic National Committee(DNC)), requested the issuance of the false statement.
Hunter Biden Laptop “Russian Dis-information” is the Son of RussiaGate
This behaviour is a repetition. When Wikileaks published the two email archives from the DNC, the Clinton campaign went into damage control mode and issued an allegation which Ray McGovern would later describe as a two-fer. In fact, it was a three-fer.
The allegation that the emails were "hacked" by Russian intelligence and then delivered to Wikileaks was totally false. This has has been known since late 2016 due to research done by VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) and other independent researchers, and due to testimony to the Congress by Shaun Henry the CEO of Cloudstrike in 2017. The effects of the allegation due to the MSM running the story wall to wall for years, were:
Attention from the contents of the leaks, which documented that the DNC had colluded with the Clinton campaign to undermine the campaign by Bernie Sander, was diverted to the allegation rather than the facts, which influenced the election outcome to the Clinton campaign's benefit
Wikileaks' reputation was damaged by declaring them an associate of Russian intelligence
Trump's presidency after he won the election was crippled by the constant, false allegations of Russian influence. Flase allegations were delivered to the FBI by lawyers acting as intermediaries of the Clinton network. The FBI and other intelligence agencies then constantly fed the story to the stenographic MSM.
The contents of the emails published by Wikileaks were so damning of the rigging of the Democratic primary by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC that 5 members of the DNC had to resign.
Rigging, Attempt to Rig, and Candidate Selection
The above show that elements of the USA's intelligence apparatus, current and former, have:
assisted in candidate selection by rigging a primary (elimate Sanders)
attempted to rig a presidential election (assist Clinton)
undermined the authority of a sitting president (charges moving into media narrative against Trump)
influenced a presidential election by suppressing relevant and true information via deception (the Hunter laptop story)
In conclusion, powerful elements the USA's intelligence agencies both current and former have been rigging elections all over the world for decades. We now have compelling evidence that they do the same at home. One can now understand the deeper meaning of Elon Musk's tweet regarding the ouster of Bolivia's president Evo Morales:
"We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it."
There is no caveat about only rigging foreign elections.
May I humbly suggest that the USA get its own house in order before it starts claiming that it wishes to defend or export democracy.
A similar argument could be made for "defend human rights" when the USA has 25% of the world's prison population with < 5% of the world population. Those prisoners are mostly incarcerated in for profit prisons while tens of thousands of people live in abject poverty or under bridges, and there is no national health-care service. The USA is without a doubt the nation whose military is responsible for more deaths and injury and the creation of more refugee flows than any other this century.
To put a cherry on this corrupt cake, Biden is calling on Russia to release a journalist nosing around Russia's weapons production facilities while they are at war, while his Justice Department maintains the indictment against Julian Assange, a man guilty of publishing truthful information, to keep him locked up in the UK.
The USA stands neither for democracy, nor human rights, nor press freedom.
It stands for naked power.
Perhaps I fail to issue the following clarification often enough. It is so important.
The derision that I fling at the USA is aimed at its government agencies and often at the mechanics of its “uniparty”. This is quite different from its people.
The vast majority of USA citizens that I have met, usually outside of the USA, have been thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate and friendly. I like ‘yanks’. Indeed, you will see me refering to many of them in these articles, like Ray McGovern, Chris Hedges, or the excellent publication Consortium News managed by Joe Lauria. The USA has produced some of the greatest whistleblowers like Ellsberg, Snowden, Kiriaku and Hale.
This division is perhaps easily viewed by looking at WWII. USA citizens signed up in droves to enter WWII which they had previously, I think wisely, left at arms length. The USA’s executive allowed the attack on Pearly Harbour to rally the people to engage. It was only decades later that this fact became known. So the response needs to be assessed in its time. Yes, there was plenty of propaganda, the study of which was taken very seriously by USA citizen Edward Louis Bernays.
Before the USA entry into WWII many of its oligarchs’ companies had been trading with Nazi Germany for years through their slippery banks. Indeed, the Bush family’s Prescott Bush was convicted of trading with the enemy. After the victory by the allies in both the Pacific and European theatres the USA leadership (by which I mean executive government and heads of business) used its position to dominate the world, but quite cleverly for a while, and write the Russian role in the war out of the narrative. This is all about the “cold war” and art fraudster, though effective war-time leader, Sir Winston Churchill who had a large role to in creating this sorry state of affairs. But, it was USA citizens who won the war in the Pacific and provided assistance to the European theatre. This is not only those who signed up for military service, but also those who worked tirelessly in factories. The citizens of Europe and South and East Asia owe a great debt of gratitude to the citizens of Russia and the citizens of the USA for winning the European and Pacific theatres of WWII, respectively.
Again, my derision of the USA is aimed at the policies implemented by the USA’s executive agencies during the last half a century and the sickening cleptocracy and pathocracy into which its government has been transformed.
The hope remains that its good citizens can rectify this sickness.
"Dear Secretary Blinken", Letter from the Judiciary and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to Anthony Blinken, USA Congress, 2023-04-20
News Blackout in Effect, Matt Taibbi, Racket News, 2023-04-22
The Biden Campaign's Deep State Conspiracy To Discredit The Hunter Biden Laptop, Debs is Dead, MoonOfAlabama, 2022-04-22
The link is to the cleaned up version
THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD — WHY THE CIA IS DYSFUNCTIONAL, Larry Johnson, his website, 2023-04-24
We will coup whoever we want’: Elon Musk and the overthrow of democracy in Bolivia, Vijay Prashad and Alejandro Bejarano, Peoples Dispatch, 2020-07-28
The Fly in the Mueller Ointment, VIPS, published at Consortium News, 2019-04-16
Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings (Part 2), VIPS, published at Consortium News, 2019-03-13
For Ukraine, US Weapons Makers Not Enough Staff - Ray McGovern, Napolitano interviews Ray McGovern, Juding Freedom, 2023-04-24
Sex Pistols and The Muppets-Friggin In The Riggin, title says it all, johnv78, uploaded 2008-09-05
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I detest Blinky. Find him quite vile. He reminds me of a peadophile teacher we had at primary school hostel who cut a guys scrotum with scissors. Back in 1963.