Canada sucks up the US arse harder,thank you very much!

We're the brightest of the5 Eyes!

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Okay, we Aussies give in. But, we've got Pine Gap, so there is a little bit of an arse kissing contest.

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And the Kiwi's really need to up their game too.

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For fuxks sake, we LED the war on Libya, Our General Bouchard led the charge....Prime Minister Harper even had a Victory Fly Past!

Fmr Grl Chuck Bouchard just retired as CEO Lockheed Martin Canada.

Our first F35's are coming soon!

Our fmr Defence Minister Kenney got a medal from Poroshenko for being the "Godfather" of the modern Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Top that!

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We've been grafted!

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But what about Aus playing along with US+UK to screw over the French with AUKUS!?

Still not good enough. You win. 🥳

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You dingos sold yer souls to NeoCon American Foreign Policy too, we both win with Uncle Sam, eh?


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Do you happen to know what weapons manufacturing corporations are profiting the most from the current mess in the "holy land" ?

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No, I dont. I suspect the very powerful are concerned about this getting out of control. It risks the global economy.

But, the US arms industry (all of them) will be very happy because Israel is using their weapons and thus will be provided more and these will be paid for by US tax payers as happens every year ($4 billion). To know who is profitting examine which weapons are being used. So, whoever makes all of the bombs and provides maintenance contracts of the parts of the Israeli air force which are dropping them are going to be rather pleased.

This is how shit "works". Tax payer funded weaponry to supremacist settler colonialist militaries whose influence operators control the politicians (e.g the Israel Lobby). Nifty setup, if on is into that sort of thing.

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Ok thanks.

Perhaps the most powerful (in terms of material influence on Earth) are clinically insane and obsessed with Eschatology to the point where they would like to help bring it about (that is, the end of the world as we know it, well, at least for most of us) while they hide in their deep underground fortresses?

I wonder who is providing the Palestinians with weapons, or do they both shop at Lockheed Martin and Raytheon?

I appreciate the thoughtful response.

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I have no idea about the military provisioning of Hamas. I do not believe that they have any advanced weaponry of any large calibre. Ritter characterized them as 'light infantry', which make sense. I mean, they are operating out of Gaza, a prison camp.

However, the volume of weaponry available on the black market must have gone through the roof as the US pumped arms into its criminally corrupt proxy Ukraine. There was a report a year back of some heavy ordenance gear acquired by some Mexican drug cartel which came from Ukraine. I suspect that black market arms traders are not interested in moral or political reasons for conflict, just that the client pays up.

It is worth understanding that while Hezbollah and Iran have relations, they are also independent. Hamas is a different beast altogether. Its political arm was heavily supported by Israel to weaken the PLO and thus undermine the two state solution.

Hamas also fought with the foreign insurgents in Syria. Hezbollah came to Syria's defense and fought AGAINST Hamas. Hamas has some links to the Muslim Brotherhood which has had relations with western military intelligence organizations. It all gets very murky very quickly, which is par for the course, IMHO, for the 'middle east'.

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