I really miss bread, and oatmeal, pretzels, bagels, biscuits (I was going to say cookies, but I’ve always conflicted when I want to say biscuits & cookies to my English & Australian audience)…all the food responsible for ripping micro-tears in my gut (leaky gut..which can cause depression, also). Take that, lucky bread eaters. I tried to test out other supposedly safe-grains, but I’m still forced to only dream about the smell of fresh backed goods in the oven. Thanks allot, man. I’m so bloody depressed all of a sudden, and I’ve still got crap headline news to speed-read through, and literally just the headlines. I think you’re making a good move to mix in good news, which also takes a well-educated, adjusted mind to discern “real” good new from the bot-created nonsense.

With the monsters in complete control over all world news and entertainment media, and becoming more sophisticated doing so—with the help of AI quantum computers—I’ve tried to appreciate social media sites like YouTube and TikTok for their sporadic “good stories from real creative individuals,” but I discovered so much of it’s such a fraud as well. These social sites are so micro-managed, keeping people so compartmentalized-controlled and distracted from discussing the truths of our world, that even those who are real are such “complying plastic sheeple,” they depress me, also.

I have to admit, several months ago TikTok was beginning to give me some hope—until I was “banned for life” for simply questioning the logic of face diapers to filter viruses—comparing masking to using a chain link fence to block insects and small birds. The CIA controlled TikTok satellite office in Texes decided I was too independent minded and so pulled the plug on me. So I’m still reduced into the isolated world (more like a box or cage) of Substack. I’m convinced up to one third of my subscribers are AI bots, just like many of the most popular YouTube creators; bots posing as real people with bot subscribers funneling money into their accounts; new school laundering for the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI666…I assume, and probably correctly. God, I miss 👉🏽 🥨🥐🍞🥞🧇🍪🍕🧁🍩☕️

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Wait until they can get trained neural networks to move well beyond the Turing test and start giving satisfactory sympathetic responses. Then they'll roll up the Alphabet Inc self driving car into a lorry equipped with said happy customer robots and they'll get rid of the shelf stackers as well as the checkout chicks. The really scarey bit is that people will actually like this, being happy to not have to pack their own stuff and put up with the robot auto-voices and musak playing at the shopping center. They'll welcome the robot goods delivery and take one step closer to social atomization, along with their 40% work from home and on-line support group meetings.

Okay. I'll stop there before I get upset about this oncoming dystopia.

On the baking front, bake veggies. They're great! And dead animal too. Also great. Cassarole the days away, Jeff.

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You know, I too have looked forward to the evolution of bots for several decades now, but not by the DoD & CIA, but as positive aid to all of humanity. If you get my Note-posts, I hope you check out the CIA clip I got from Dr. Mercola. It’s worth watching. https://youtu.be/op0HMkcQhew

I do bake with veggies, by I’m limited on those, too. I’m about to try making meat (liver) pancakes. I’m told they’re surprisingly good. I’d give the doctor’s name who I got the recipe from, but the spelling escapes me at the moment. He’s a carnivore whose name sounds like or reminds me of the words salad and dinosaur, like Delsaladono ??

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