That was great—your knowledge and perspectives concerning political science, government intel, hard news journalism and analysis. You really blow me away at times. I just wish you had gone into much greater detail about what the editors blatantly allowed to pass for real news analysis vs. total BS, or perhaps made this a two-part program. You know, drawing in your audience with a short news-flash intro, then following up with an in-depth analysis for part two.

I believe you are at your very best when analyzing the news and critiquing the producers & editors who are always so “intentionally misleading” people via both junior-pro talking-heads and seasoned professionals. This kind of work is extraordinarily invaluable to both casual reader/listeners and up & coming independent journalists, I hope you realize, especially today with all of the psyops programing imbedded within all media. Think John Gatto (I’ve got his 5 hour interview, the History of American Education in my Most Important Videos-Audio post with masked Pinocchio). He’s one of my favorite educator-philosophers of the 20th-21st century. You too would make a superb professor, though I’m glad you’re not working for anyone, especially government, so you’re free to speak your mind and teach without controls, at least for the time being. Bloody-crooked Australian & American governments. Hope you got that new mic and plan to expand your pro-studio, because you can’t ever retire. You are singularly in your own class superb, and frankly, the world desperately needs many more independent professionals like you free to speak their minds. (I wanted to add that I just noticed you finally added a paid subscription tab. About time, or was I just overlooking it?? Please don’t thank me or reciprocate. I don’t need it.)

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Thank you for the support and compliments. I turned on "Pledges" about a week ago. I have decided to open up subscriptions and will announce this next week.

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