[Image: repurposed from Caitlin Johnstone’s article on our desperate need for a large anti-war movement.]
Published 2023-02-28
The Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China published an essay on 2023-02-20 which Gonzalo Lira identified as a significant publication. I haven't seen anyone else in my sphere of commentators talking about this.
Now, I screwed up. When I saw the publication at The Unz Review I poorly assumed that this was a text written by Lira. No, this was the Chinese government. Lira makes this clear in his 10 minute video on the topic (all sources are below). I agree with him that a) you should read this, its not too long and is in clear language, and that b) every nation outside of the USA/NATO/EU cool-aid camp will agree with the descriptions of USA action provided.
To cut to the chase, the essay portrays the USA as a rogue state on 5 axes.
Where I disagree with Mr. Lira is his characterization of the essay as a "declaration of war". This is a little too hyperbolic. It is a succinct declaration of how USA action over the last many decades is understood by the "rest of the world". It is not a "rallying call". It is not a declaration of war. The closest analogy I can conjure is Martin Luther's nailing to the church door his criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church.
It is a statement of objection, a statement of grievance even, and one that will be nodded towards across our beautiful planet. The statement of war has already been issued by the USA against both Russia and China. Or, to rephrase, against any nation or collection of nations which threaten USA hegemony, which is the point at hand.
Declining empires are dangerous beasts, they lash out and employ dangerous nationalistic (rather than patriotic) rhetoric. In the case of the USA, it has the most powerful propaganda mechanism ever developed.
Mr. Lira is correct identifying the document as significant. Read it and come to your own conclusions.
Here's a suggestion for weighing its import or relevance. China lays charges at the USA, which they are welcome to do (we believe in free speech, right?). As one reads the accusations listed, take a wider view. Form a list of nations, and as each charge is laid consider it for each of the nations you have chosen. You will then have a comparison with differing nations transgressing different "charges" in varying ways. One may then conclude where these accusations are well laid, or not.
I suggest a list of nations as follows. Firstly, China itself needs to be included. So we have China and the USA. Then add a few "allies" of the USA, say UK, Germany, France, Israel and Canada. Then add a few "independent" countries like Indonesia, Brazil, Egypt and India. Then add a few nations which are currently in the "orbit" of the China/Russia alignment: Russia, Iran, Hungary, Vietnam. Choose your own nations.
Now, go through the accusations and do a simple score, per allegation, for each nation. 1 -- not much, 3 -- a bit, 5 -- yes. Add it all up, and you'll have your own view of how well the accusations fit a collection of nations with differing geopolitical allegiances.
For bonus points, exchange your scorecard with others who have come to different conclusions and discuss with them why!
US Hegemony and Its Perils, Foreign Ministry of the Peoples Republic of China, 2023-02-20
China Declares War On the United States, Gonzalo Lira, The Unz Review, 2023-02-22
There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement, Caitlin Johnstone, her newsletter, 2023-02-27
Ukraine: The Tunnel at the End of the Light, Robert Freeman, Consortium news (originally published at Common Dreams), 2023-02-28
2023.02.22 China Declares War On The United States, Gonzalo Lira presents the PRC's essay, Gonzalo Lira — Again, 2023-02-22
Ray McGovern & Dmitri Polyanskiy with co-host Joe Lauria, Consortium News, Live on the Fly with Randy Credico, 2023-02-26
While many of the accusations leveled are true they are a little hard to take seriously coming from the CCP who engages in many of the same practices. I'm no fan of the US foreign policy but China is in no position to be throwing stones. The paper would be much more believable coming from Russia imo.