While many of the accusations leveled are true they are a little hard to take seriously coming from the CCP who engages in many of the same practices. I'm no fan of the US foreign policy but China is in no position to be throwing stones. The paper would be much more believable coming from Russia imo.

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Of course, nobody who has demonstrably, repeatedly created unprovoked wars is accusing anyone else of unprovoked aggression.

Or did I miss something?

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No I think the US is totally reprehensible-and the CCP has not started wars but they are hardly hands off when it comes to meddling in other countries affairs. I just thought some of the accusations of the CCP were hypocritical.

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I would agree with you on this. One only has to look at China and Tibet in this context.

China goes to countries in Africa, Offers to develop infrastructure in return for allowing them to take minerals back to China for processing.

They bring in all their own labour, & materials. The labour is normally prison labout at basic sustenance cost to them.

They rape the resource, leave with no return of the land to its original condition. They then leave and dump their used equipment for the county that allowed them to be their to clean up the mess in their wake.

That is the China MO. Seen this in Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and in South Africa.

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