Stolen elections have consequences

There’d be 600,000 Ukrainian men alive had the swamp not installed the pedophile asset Biden


2.5 more years of Ukrainian “winning” isn’t such a win

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There are other attacks on Russia going on.

For example a Ukranian unmanned light aircraft attacked Russian military installations in Murmansk in Russia recently in the past few days. This is near the Barents Sea and from near the Norwegian border to Russia:



Based on the refusal of the Norwegian military to comment properly on it, one would have to suspect that the drone can have be flown out of Norway. They claim it has a long enough range (1800 km) to have be flown from Ukraine and around to Norway, but then we are talking about an aircraft loaded with explosives that would have flown though the airspace of several European countries, or along their coastlines, all these that are on a war footing..... undetected and unmolested....which isnt likely.

And it follows Ukranian drone attacks on Moscow 6 days ago


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