Published: 2025-02-21
The Hegseth, Vance one-two punch to the European liberal authoritarians was contained within another one-two by US President Trump and Secretary of State Rubio. The jab was Trump's announcement that he had — shock, horror — spoken to Russian Federation President Putin. The knockout was the establishment of a Saudi hosted diplomatic meeting arranged between the US and Russia when Rubio called veteran Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. The willingness of the Russian Foreign Ministry was pre-confirmed earlier when Trump envoy Witkoff had visited Moscow. Aghast Eurocrats and expired Ukrainian puppet Zelensky were not invited.
Following the meeting, Helmer informed us of the diplomatic face slap issued to the UK and EU by Rubio. Note the order and who is missing:
Rubio then telephoned the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Italy, and the UK, together with the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, to reassure them on what had not been agreed with the Russians. The text of the release reveals the political precedence Rubio gives to the Europeans ahead of the UK and the EU.
The pair of devastating couplet blows to the narrative wielding deep state leeches on both sides of the Atlantic induced near hysterical hope in sections of the English language geopolitical commentariat.
The beneficiaries of the disinformation campaigns, wielded as political weapons against US and European populations from the RussiaGate Hoax onwards, had their security blankets ripped from them. War profiteers denigrated the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nuclear powers on either side of the NATO-Russia Ukraine war because discussion, for them, is unacceptable. It was they who could be heard screaming for emergency meetings at the Munich Security Conference appeasement palace.
Losing a Narrative War
Prof. Glenn Diesen offered a concise summary of the hazard of the now endangered, warmongering liberal authoritarians' narrative technique. By characterizing any political project as good, opposition to it is then naturally categorized as evil, allowing the promotion of the false dichotomy equivalent to Babba Bush’s "you're with us or against us", but in moral rather than political language. This enabled the drift into delusion we have seen from the war propaganda frenzied Atlanticists.
Facts don't matter in moral arguments. They are dominated by psychologically manipulative, emotional language, a practice pioneered a century ago by Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, who birthed the Public Relations industry.
Western media have failed to either keep up with or effectively respond to the tornado of change issued by the second Trump administration. Scott Ritter employed a metaphor from the military, the OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) Loop, to frame Trump's strategy for countering the media/PR industry. If one fighter pilot moves more quickly in this response loop, they "get inside" the other's and thus prevent their opponent from being able to exert influence to escape the loop.
We are now one month into this new administration with potentially 47 more to come. It began with a flurry of Executive Orders on day one. Economic tariff threats were issued to the three leading nations from which the US imports products (Mexico, Canada and China). A land grab warning was issued to Denmark for Greenland. The CIA's premier soft power arm, USAID, was temporarily financially gutted and moved back under the State Department. CIA staff were offered early termination benefits. The US Department of Justice's priorities were reset with unwanted projects terminated and their staff reassigned.
Various Zionist agendas were supported, including implicit support for the ongoing genocide in the West Bank Occupied Palestinian Territory and whatever the Zionists want to do in Syria. An impossible to achieve "redevelopment" gambit for Gaza was issued. Even more munitions were provided for the Israeli Occupation Forces. Down the list was a retributive Executive Order on behalf of Israel, against the Republic of South Africa, in response to its case under the Genocide Convention with the U.N.’s International Court of Justice.
And then came the double, double punch around the timing of the conference at the hall of Hitler appeasement aphorisms.
Despite the chaos, veteran analysts, one from journalism and the other from diplomacy, both students of history, have characterized the program run by President Trump with his appointees. It is both a vendetta against and at least a partial demolition of the RussiaGate stained deep state, both at home and abroad.
Patrick Lawrence provided us the etymology of "deep state":
The term “deep state” is a literal translation of the Turkish derin devlet, the name given to an invisible network of army officers who exercised power independently of the government during the Cold War.
In the US it was birthed by the 1947 National Security Act which established the CIA as a home for the operatives of the Office of Strategic Services which were so effective in combination with their British and other European counterparts during WWII. The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex, identified by US President Eisenhower in 1961, was soon incorporated into it.
As Lawrence noted:
Ray McGovern fashioned the term MICIMATT, his clever acronym designating the military-industrial, congressional, intelligence, media, academic and think tank spheres, to describe the deep state’s extensive presence.
The deep state turned monstrously malignant during the Russiagate years. ... Trump is obviously intent on attacking the deep state in most or all of its manifestations, and you can’t blame him after the relentless sabotage of his first term in office. This is prima facie a worthy endeavor.
Lawrence warned of the danger should Trump be purely motivated by revenge:
He does not seem to me to have the gravitas, the depth of intelligence and all-around seriousness, to get this very necessary task done well and effectively. ... Trump does not seem sufficiently equipped to wage war against operatives whose perverse savvy in the methods of subterfuge is well-tested and well-proven.
Let us not be so foolish as to assume the Democrats will refrain from once again misusing government institutions, or that the generals and spooks will stand by quiescently, or that the punks reporting Trump in mainstream media will indulge in less lying, mis– and disinformation this time than they did the last. They are, indeed, already hard at it.
Lawrence wondered "Why isn’t there someone with good politics and a sound analysis of the deep state as a national crisis to take up the task?". He answered that "it was Trump’s political rise that drew the deep state out of the bushes" and that "[it] is a good thing ... [that] the deep state’s presence in America’s political life will [n]ever be off the table now that Trump has put its insidious presence on it".
The call is that the eradication of the malignant corruption which is endemic within MICIMATT is a worthy mission, even if it being championed by Trump who is himself corrupt. The RussiaGate hoax, directed at defeating Trump in 2016, was a supernova of election interference compared to a few thousand dollars worth of irrelevant memes paid for by a foreign company. "Queen of Warmongers" HR Clinton targeted her nemesis Julian Assange and inspired the Cold Warriors by nailing Assange to the Russian mast via totally spurious "cyber" allegations. Indeed, 4 years later, the 51 retired "intelligence community" "professionals", who were organized by Obama to deep six the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, blazed brighter than the Russian Internet Research Agency's measly memes. The “Russian Disinformation” rubbish muzzled almost all media, with Glenn Greenwald a notable exception. He was fired from the publication he founded for covering it by its editor, Betsy Reed. The political corruption is wide: every election, state and national, is rigged in favour of the pockets of the never-FARA-registered Israel Lobby.
Corruption runs deep in the United States of America. When it is used to foment a war which has killed a million people and is sustained by an industry of disinformation grown under the Obama administrations and issued in a loop, from the MICIMATT to "foreign media" funded by the US government, back into its own MICIMATT funded corporate media, corruption is the wrong term. As US Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler warned almost a century ago, "War is a Racket".
The MICIMATT is a highly evolved racket funded by the undeclared (CIA+) or unauditable (DoD+) budgets of agencies which pay to not be overseen. These racketeering budgets are augmented from the foundations of American oligarchs, with Soros the exemplar. MICIMATT is a cancerous, inverted totalitarian, perversion of a state which has funded and armed mass murder for decades.
[Differing beneficiaries of the MICIMATT greet each other in Kiev. From MacLeod’s article at Consortium News.]
Alarming Directions
Diesen and Helmer warned that the rapprochement which Trump is pursuing with Russia, motivated by ending a lost war, is a wedge. Its supposed purpose, however futile, is to drive Russia and China apart, the next illogical step after having failed to "weaken Russia".
Helmer groups Trumps' "loyalists" into two camps: those who are direct beneficiaries of his corruption (the family) or the "confederates", a white supremacist league who want a war with China to preserve US dominance. Where Gabbard sits in this arrangement he was not asked by Alkhorshid, but the broad brush gives an early picture of some of the forces at work through Trump.
Chris Hedges' warning is historically referenced and more alarming. Trump's clearing of the decks inside the institutions of the US government and its partly, privatized offshoots is precisely what the Soviets, Nazis and Iranian Islamic revolutionaries did early in their campaigns to secure power. Hedges acknowledged that this is essentially mandatory, as the existing structures of power contain within them elements which can more effectively resist the change from within. One should not forget that the US can look to its own Revolutionary War to reflect on revolutionary change.
Hedges warned that the Trump wrecking ball:
is about gutting oversight and protections. It is about circumventing thousands of statutes that set the rules for government operations. It is about filling federal positions with “loyalists” from a database compiled by the Conservative Partnership Institute. It is about enriching private corporations — including several owned by Musk — that will be handed lucrative government contracts.
Ritter, on CN Live!, agreed, expressing the change we are seeing as a revolution. If so, one should expect counter-revolutionaries too. The MICIMATT is fighting back. They are motivated by trillions of reasons.
One of the potentially interesting contests will be over election funding. Will this foundational source of the corruption of US politics be addressed? If not, one is informed that what is happening is a changing of the guard.
New Muscle
There is also a battle occurring for lucrative contracts to the Pentagon. The new tech-billionaires (Musk, Thiel et al.) seek to replace the current ineffective and extortionate contractors' military toys with new ones. These will incorporate AI and other tech (Lavender etc.) tested by the IDF in their genocide against Palestinians and by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Russia (electronic interference) on the battlefields of Novorossiya.
A potential use for these new military toys was hinted at by Musk himself, who implied that offensive drones could be used in counter-narcotic operations in Mexico. The CIA has been using observation drones in collaboration with Mexico "for years", said Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, supposedly to identify narcotic production facilities.
The Trump administration has begun processes of change both domestically and internationally. Domestically, the US is protected by the best constitution to be found in the English speaking world, a point the alarmists could heed. Internationally, the post WWII, US constructed institutions of the U.N, World Bank and International Monetary Fund with its associated structures of the World Trade Organisation, World Health Organization and International Court of Justice are in a perilous state following decades of dominance and abuse by the US itself. The OPCW scandal from the Douma chemical attack hoax is proof enough of how the US deep state has been manipulating these international institution to its own warlike or otherwise economic ends.
The Horizon
Geopolitically, whatever the Trump administration chooses to do it has no choice but to deal with BRICS and the SCO. The multi-polar world which Rubio admitted was with us in his first public interview as Secretary of State was created by these groups. They are the latest version of the Non-Aligned Movement which emerged following the dismantling of Western European empires after WWII, at the demand of US President Roosevelt. BRICS wants negotiation rather than economic or kinetic war, and advocates the principles encoded in the U.N. Charter. They need institutional support for their agreements and want the U.N., re-invigorated with some re-balancing to reflect current geoeconomics, to serve that role.
Across the Atlantic, the current European leadership is dead. Scholz is history. Macron doesn't run France. Starmer is praying on the mat of the historic, aristocratic and intelligence relationship with a changing USoA. The yapping Baltic states are irrelevant. Belgium is the middle of the EU cesspit. Austria has maintained its neutrality, mostly. Italy's Meloni distanced herself from the Russiaphobia early enough. There is no love lost between her and Commissioner von der Leyen, who leads the EU problem.
Orban in Hungary and Fico in Slovakia saw what was coming years ago, positioned themselves for it and will survive.
As Helmer summarized, the liberal authoritarian EU + UK have no money and nothing to offer. As Wilkerson suggests, they either get their ducks in a row and integrate with a BRICS and Russian friendly east, or they'll decend into a schoolyard of squabbling children, again divided, as the geopolitical plates reconfigure. Van der Crazy has just issued a 16th round of sanctions against Russia, indicating just how removed from reality her backers remain. Personally, I'm looking forward to this year's farmer protests in Europe. There is something poetic about a tractor backing up to a government building to spray it with liquid manure.
Back in Kiev
Returning finally to the NATO-Russia Ukraine war, Trump himself has reinforced statements made by Gen. Kellogg. Ukraine needs elections, which means Zelensky has to go. He is the road block, as Putin has been clearly stating for many months. In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump described expired Ukrainian President Zelensky as "a modestly successful comedian" who "refuses to have elections", "better move fast" and "has done a terrible job". One does not need to be a diplomat to read the writing on that wall.
Trump understands the core of Russia's position and knows that if he wants out smoothly, certain conditions need to be met and a pathway to achieving a settlement which Putin can sell to his constituencies must also be constructed. While a replacement for Zelensky is found and funding to stabilize the corrupt Ukrainian government is identified outside of US coffers, negotiations between Russia and the US will be pursued. Those will deal not only with the settlement of the war, which will be left on doormats in Brussels and Kiev "To whom it may concern ...", but also with geoeconomics.
A division of energy markets is in the offing:
The New York Times reported Dmitriev as telling its reporter before the talks began: “U.S. oil majors have had very successful business in Russia. We believe at some point they will be coming back, because why would they forgo these opportunities that Russia gave them to have access to Russian natural resources?”
[Helmer again]
Trump wants to get Ukraine out of the way, so he can get onto the real negotiations.
The first question is whether his appointees can counter the MICIMATT counter-revolutionaries to give him the freedom he’ll need? The second is how much damage the emerging revolutionary political war will do to the US itself?
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Trump vs. the Deep State; Patrick Lawrence; The Unz Review; 2025-02-17
Trump 2.0 Crosses the Atlantic, Patrick Lawrence; Scheerpost; 2025-02-19
The Road to Dictatorship, Chris Hedges, Consortium News, 2025-02-19
Trump Tries Grandstanding In Riyadh – Rubio Steps Down; John Helmer; Dances with Bears; 2025-02-19
Rubio has not resigned. Helmer is using a misleading play on words.
USAID's Giant Network of 'Independent' Media; Alan MacLeod; Consortium News; 2025-02-19
Addressing Egregious Actions of The Republic of South Africa; US Executive Government; The White House; 2025-02-08
Trump's Munich Strategy; Scott Ritter; Consortium News; 2025-02-17
Press release on Russia-US consultations; Foreign Ministry; Russian Federation; 2025-02-18
Burying the CIA’s Assange Secrets; Kevin Gozstola; Scheerpost (republished from The Dissenter); 2025-02-20
A New Military-Industrial Complex Arises; Michael Klare; Scheerpost; 2025-02-10
'Lavender': The AI machine directing Israel's bombing spree in Gaza; 972Mag;; 2024-12-27
Report: Hegseth Orders Pentagon To Make Sweeping Budget Cuts; Dave DeCamp; Antiwar; 2025-02-19
[NOPE] Pentagon Says Hegseth's Order Will Redirect Spending, Not Make Actual Cuts; Dave DeCamp; Antiwar; 2025-02-20
Elon Musk Claims Cartels Designated as Terrorists Are Now 'Eligible for Drone Strikes'; Dave DeCamp; Antiwar; 2025-02-19
CIA Expands Drone Flights Over Mexico To Hunt for Fentanyl Labs; Dave DeCamp; Antiwar; 2025-02-19
"Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, ...", @realDonaldTrump, Truth Social, 2025-02-19
EU's 16th package of sanctions targets aluminium, shadow fleet; Reuters;; 2025-02-19
"Following Kallas emergency meeting with deep state fifth columnist “leaders” in Europe, the deep state makes Europe self flaggelate for the SIXTEENTH time, as a declaration of resolve", h/t to Klonda
5 People You Won't Believe Worked For the CIA; James Corbett; The Corbett Report; 2017-10-11
📽️ MP4
FLASHBACK: Meet Smedley Butler; James Corbett; The Corbett Report; 2022-10-30
📽️ Rumble
War Is A Racket, USMC Major General Smedley Butler, 1935
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
Reality and Trump's First Days; YesXorNo; YesXorNo; 2025-01-23
EU Elites Are Freaking-out Over USA Dumping Them | Dr. Glenn Diesen; Neutrality Studies; Neutrality Studies; 2025-02-17
Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda; James Corbett; The Corbett Report; 2017-10-02
John Helmer: Trump’s Stunt in Riyadh – Rubio’s Sudden Exit STUNS Everyone!; Alkhorshid interviews Helmer; Dialogue Works; 2025-02-19
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: NATO on the Brink of Collapse Over Ukraine War?; Alkhorshid interviews Wilkerson; Dialogue Works; 2025-02-18
IS THE WEST DEAD? - Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern & Patrick Lawrence; Consortium News; Consortium News; 2025-02-17
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Deep admiration for the scope of your analysis!*****