One almost feels sorry for the West as they run headlong and headless into a noose.

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I like the analogy but I think it is the clueless masses of the so-called west that are the frogs being boiled.

All of this ends with war and destruction, and well it's not the sons and daughters of the rich that are sent to front lines to fight. It's those of the poor. The ultra-rich and the government officials have their bunkers to go to and the don't mind sparking a nuclear war in which, as Scott Ritter points, out US nuclear doctrine is to:

- strike first accepting that the inevitable retaliation will kill 2/3 of the US population

- nuke all other countries that could survive and become dominant (meaning that they have nukes pointed at not just nuclear powers such as India and Pakistan, but also places like Nigeria or Brazil or Indonesia

- ensure their vassals in Europe are sacrificed too, so that they don't survive and become dominant

All of this is nowhere near the headlines of the media and it's the hot water in which the western masses are getting boiled. But sure, em "Slavia" and all that.

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