The Orange megalomaniac didn't start any new wars, he just expanded the existing ones and set up the ground for new ones! https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-secret-rules-for-drone-strikes-and-presidents-unchecked-license-to-kill

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Yes! The dirty moments of his I recall were in the war in Yemen, authorizing special ops missions.

It must be rather tempting being a person with his personality and experience having the military come to you and say:

"Our partners, the Saudis, are fighting this Iranian backed insurgency in Yemen. We've found a cell of their <stick important sounding thing here> and they've asked for our help to get rid of it. The plan is simple, easy and risk free.

All we need is your approval, Mr. President."

Thank you for the link!!

In response, here's Jeremy Scahill back in the days when he was doing good reporting. The case is Anwar al-Awlaki and his son, both US citizens, both murdered by their government:


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