The U.S. is complaining about election results that international elections observers said were fair and accurate.
The U.S. in which Kamala Harris is an election candidate with no primary election. And in which the government is trying to imprison a leading opposition candidate.
The U.S. in which a presidents son became president by getting Supreme Court judges appointed by his father, to stop counting votes not in his favour.
The U.S. which is having hicjacked Ukrainian elections has supported Zelensky to stop any elections and imprison all his political opponents.
For once, Anthony Blinken is right. The ‘official’ results of the Venezuelan election are blatantly and grossly fraudulent. Maduro was no more legitimately elected than Biden, who, like a typical third-world dictator is prosecuting the opposition on bogus charges (and so is Maduro.)
I doubt anything you said is correct. Ajamu Baraka, a well respect human rights lawyer was one of the international election observers at the election and according to his accounts, this election in Venezuela was not only held correct, but was held with more integrity than elections in the US:
Keir Starmer look like a communist to you? If so you have no clue what a communist is.
Anyway, there is nothing wrong with communists. The point of democracy is we assemble all view points and if the majority want communists to rule, then they do. It's not up to you or Antony Blinken to tell the people of Venezuela who should rile them.
This election was clean and all the sour grapes crew need to be quiet and go take care of the sham non-democracies in their own countries:
The election was fixed, as totalitarian elections always are. Communism killed 120 million people in the 20th century, and forced people into lives of anguish, degradation and slavery. The people of Venezuela were sick of Maduro, and tried to remove him democratically, but totalitarians never let go their grip on power.
Still awaiting the LIMA GROUP commenting on the Venezuelan election......
The U.S. is complaining about election results that international elections observers said were fair and accurate.
The U.S. in which Kamala Harris is an election candidate with no primary election. And in which the government is trying to imprison a leading opposition candidate.
The U.S. in which a presidents son became president by getting Supreme Court judges appointed by his father, to stop counting votes not in his favour.
The U.S. which is having hicjacked Ukrainian elections has supported Zelensky to stop any elections and imprison all his political opponents.
The U.S. that’s funny.
Pull the other leg now.
Contrary indicator
For once, Anthony Blinken is right. The ‘official’ results of the Venezuelan election are blatantly and grossly fraudulent. Maduro was no more legitimately elected than Biden, who, like a typical third-world dictator is prosecuting the opposition on bogus charges (and so is Maduro.)
I doubt anything you said is correct. Ajamu Baraka, a well respect human rights lawyer was one of the international election observers at the election and according to his accounts, this election in Venezuela was not only held correct, but was held with more integrity than elections in the US:
"Don't Believe the Hype: Venezuela is a Democracy
Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist, Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist 31 Jul 2024...."
‘Human rights lawyer’ = Communist. He is not going to be a good or truthful person. Such people never are, and cannot be taken as reliable witnesses.
Your entire post is a lie.
Keir Starmer look like a communist to you? If so you have no clue what a communist is.
Anyway, there is nothing wrong with communists. The point of democracy is we assemble all view points and if the majority want communists to rule, then they do. It's not up to you or Antony Blinken to tell the people of Venezuela who should rile them.
This election was clean and all the sour grapes crew need to be quiet and go take care of the sham non-democracies in their own countries:
The election was fixed, as totalitarian elections always are. Communism killed 120 million people in the 20th century, and forced people into lives of anguish, degradation and slavery. The people of Venezuela were sick of Maduro, and tried to remove him democratically, but totalitarians never let go their grip on power.
That's all lies and ranting.Venezuelas elections were confirmed free and fair by the group of international observers.
The US has fixed elections. Go fix that. Leave the rest of the world alone.You don't own the world.
US elections are riddled with fraud, but so are Venezuela's elections. There can be no democracy without open and verifiable voting.