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Truly enlightening. A study in manipulation.

It isn't even propaganda at this point, it's an outline of propaganda to come. The evidence is so slim that they are creating a backstory. This late in U.S. hostilities (23 years, really more, but whatever) they are doing a creative writing assignment that upon examination falls apart. What is it? Does the War Dept. not have enough college grads in their propaganda dept. or are there too many damn narratives to throw out to English readers?

It's like not only Tower 22 dropped their pants, but the propaganda dept. hasn't gotten off the cot too fast to pull on their pants?

Excellent work, jeffery p lubina. Thank you. I'm ashamed that I might have read the manipulation without thinking, I hope not and with help like this I'll be less likely to.

This is why we have rabid supporters of cocked up people and causes, people reading and listening and watching 'reports' that claim to be informative while half of the targets are asleep or looking for validation.

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Sorry, this is meant for YesXorNo.

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It’s okay, Ellen, he knows you meant YesXorNo. I do love his work, also.

Did you know you can edit your post above to change out my name for his? At the bottom of your post to the far right there are three β€œβ€¦β€ just click on it and select edit.

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Thank you for both heads up replies.

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I agree that its a bit depressing, but better to understand than not, should one wish to take action, respond.

One of the sad but key understandings is that the MIC which Eisenhower referred to and which has evolved into the MICIMATT is an industrial complex based on death and suffering cloaked in nationist hubris and exceptionalism. The all important central "M", Media, is both the core mechanism to maintain this and the place where it gives itself away. Hence, this is also a key weakness, and thus is the topic of SSR episode 1.

I'm working on a follow up article, of sorts, which focusses on heroes.

Anger is fine, when it is channeled for a purpose. Its also good to know that one is not alone, either in realisation or in effort to address the societal malady which is the MICIMATT.

The IA series, which allows a broader topic approach, highlights journalists/authors who understand the problem and are doing what they can to achieve change through the provision of better information/understanding/history.

That series is actually the heart of this project, to promote better understanding by hightlighting the work of these champions who desribe the world in which we live.

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I'm thankful that you have taken on such an important project and I'll do my best in endeavoring to understand it. It is so well done that even I can grasp it and act.

Anger is not to be easily denounced when it gives us the focus and energy to act. But, It's blind Rage that is cultivated by the Machine for evil intentions that people must take care not to indulge in.

Thanks for your labor of love. Well, you may not call it that, but when you are endeavoring to save people from the mall of the MICIMATT it is.

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