
SSR11: Death by Metadata

and the robot wars

Published: 2024-11-21

Updated 2024-11-22: Serendipity saw Chris Hedges release an interview on surveillance. Added to sources.

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Okay, off to archive.[is|md|vn]:

What was the motivation behind archive.is?

Good job!

And thanks for documenting just how broken the internet has become as it is bent into surveillance capitalism.


Killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, Wikipedia

‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza, Yuval Abraham, +972 Magazine, 2024-04-03

Death By Metadata: Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Reveal NSA Role in Assassinations Overseas, DemocracyNow!, 2014-02-10

Surveillance Education (w/ Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler) | The Chris Hedges Report, Chris Hedges, ScheerPost, 2024-11-20

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