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The Usman Khawaja story is news to me. It’s beyond unbelievable. Really, banned for supporting and stating “All lives are equal” and “Freedom is a human right?” And, no, I haven’t a clue if any American professional athletes have spoken up for Palestinians being murdered, or against Apartheid Israel. However, it may be due to the fact I only read financials, relying on YesXorNo and other trusted independents to fill the gap.

But let’s face it, if a pro athlete in the U.S. did speak up, it would have probably bled over into the financials by now as a horrific antisemitic negative, same as in Australia; a story of punishing financial losses with bullshit headlines & CG pics showing angry sport fan-actors boycotting the entire team. You know, CIA-ADL asset-demonstrators in the street with picket 🪧 signs dripping blood 🩸 red with “antisemite” accusations.

Shit, man, I’m so beyond disappointed with most Americans at this stage of the Eugenicist’s multi-stage world genocide. But I have thought about why no famous person(s) with great influence haven’t spoken out or shown up in Palestine, just like you said about the world’s most influential religious leaders coming together, in Gaza, with water, aid and food. No shit. Where the hell are they? I’ve thought about going myself, but not to Gaza, but Mossad headquarters smartly dressed up as Snow White or Goldilocks with Girl Scout biscuits they can’t refuse. I’m serious.

In any case, I’m still waiting on a story similar to the Afghan-Pat Tillman’s “service to death” by friendly-accidental-intentional fire to go hot & viral. Just Imagine, “Extra-Extra,” says the front page of the NYT & WashPost: “Pro athlete goes to Israel to kill homeless Palestinian refugees in the name of Zionism…gets blown up by Israeli AI drone,” you know, because they forget it’s Hannibal-OS identifies all real humans with souls as a threat to the “chosen pew,” not just protesting self-hating Jews. If this ends up happening, I just want to say in advance that I have no CIA contacts. I just understand how the beast operates.

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