
we must weave between the toxic threads laid out as cognitive infrastructure mine fields spewed as pfckin “news”

and finding our legitimate voices is where we together weave a just future!

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We're getting there.

Today there are more voices publishing their own selection of sources and their own analysis (from a news perspective). Of course, there's everything else too, like a zillion cat videos, and foot fetishes and whathaveyou.

Its funny actually. The people who designed the internet built in the 'end-to-end' part to enable people to publish. What they missed, or was hoped for but didn't really materialize, was the easy publishing part. It was there, in things like myspace, but never really kicked off. What was needed was social media (evil though it its, as a panopticon social-graphing privacy disaster) to get enough people actively using the net for places like Substack to turn up. We can see their trajectory as they are now fighting Twitter with their Notes feature. We'll see if and when the censorship begins, but meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people have had the experience of publishing whatever they want for "free".

And that is the achievement, more people publishing.

With that comes more people realizing that the international English language media are serving their own interests which align with the general trends of the US's political and economic directions. So, war against whoever for reasons that dont ever make sense as soon as you compare target of the day with say, Israel vs Palestinians, does continue, but its grating. And there's all the hullaballo about shit that doesn't really matter because news is about attention and so they have to scream about stuff that is largely irrelevant. All of this is, in the end, is self defeating.

So, both shifts are occuring and a new disparate less controlled media is being built.

Meanwhile the good journalists who dont want editors telling them what they can an cannot write are also heading to self-funded publication, and being supported sometimes by independent sites like Scheerpost, ConsortiumNews, CommonDreams and the like.

So, fear not. Everything is moving in the right direction.

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