As I cross-post this great info-packed-post to Notes, I’d like to add: Because I must break at least two rules daily in protest of anything, I’d like to begin this day by breaking both of YesXorNo’s “Comment Rules.” First, by staying completely “off topic” by saying, “I plan on buying a whole cow from a local farmer for my birthday next month.” I’m so old I deserve it. Second, I’m going to “abuse” my gut with a case of Moosehead beer from Canada to wash it all down in one sitting…and in a drunken stupor sing bad songs on my balcony “all night long”—which incidentally is a bad Lionel Richie song from the ancient 1980’s.✌🏽&🤬🗽to all my new paid subscribers this month, all two or three of you.

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If we're into a bit of playful rule breaking then I'll match you, Jeff, smashing two unwritten: an Author should neither break the rules they have written nor by doing so encourage others to do so.

But, as my sewing teacher said, rules are meant to be broken. One demonstrates one's understanding of them by choosing the circumstances in which they are to be willfully ignored.

I wish upon you, Jeff, a few musicians and possibly a DJ or two, all with loud voice, to assist in the consumption of the cow and to join you 'all night long' in 'bring(ing) on the night'. You can consider me with you in spirit, with my guitar. I shall raise my tankard nor'east across the Pacific in solidarity with other freedom lovers who understand which rules are deserving of disrespect and when to display the derision.

May I suggest that if some nosey and objectionable interloper attempts to interrupt your celebration that you, in unison with company, issue an almighty:

Get off my lawn!


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