This is a very good analysis of the situation. The west - the age of colonial empire - is run by bellicose racist exceptionalists.

However what concerns me is precisely what you said. These are rabid irrational people. And my observations of their rush to spark war with Russia is that they do not care one iota about the survival of their own population.

These are nihilists.

Is it going to be sufficient for Russia and China to remain calm? Because it’s easy to see these mad people imitating an all out war or even manufacturing and excuse for a nuclear first strike. I believe that Russia see that also, if you consider that Russia’s President Putin in the past few weeks stated a warning that Russia’s nuclear capabilities can still devastate an enemy even after a successful first strike by the enemy.

I think Russia understands these madmen cannot be predicted actually and are willing to go to lengths that no rational opppnevt woujd

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Also your point about the Ukrainians dropping the "petal" mines - class weapons - on the people of Donetsk, is very revealing in that its not front page news in the "western" media, but it should be.

If you think about it, the government of Ukraine is supposedly fighting Russia because those people in Donestk are deeply Ukrainian and they deserve the protection of the Ukrainian government. Ok, then WTF are you throwing weapons at them that indiscriminately harm those people. Noncombatants - and you claim they are deeply your people.

It's not on the front page, because those kind of points make it obvious that Ukraine is basically an entire country hikjacked and with its people conscripted to fight and kill on behalf of the USA. They are not fighting to save Ukrainnain people, no they are actually killing them. Same as they have been doing since 2014 when the civil war broke out.

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