A corrupt, immoral G7 have no idea what to do
Brilliant - well said. The colonial "west" is terminally corrupt in a spiral of its elites exploiting their own people and their vessels. All they have in this is endless war - purely for profit. Just war, war, war.
Every once in a while you have the OECD pop up telling truth to power like this below pointing to what is actually needed to serve people, but that truth telling is ignored: https://www.oecd.org/en/publications/on-shaky-ground-income-instability-and-economic-insecurity-in-europe_9bffeba6-en.html
While in the rest of the world everyone is getting their act together and cooperating to improve well being for their own people.
It's a telling contrast.
Brilliant - well said. The colonial "west" is terminally corrupt in a spiral of its elites exploiting their own people and their vessels. All they have in this is endless war - purely for profit. Just war, war, war.
Every once in a while you have the OECD pop up telling truth to power like this below pointing to what is actually needed to serve people, but that truth telling is ignored: https://www.oecd.org/en/publications/on-shaky-ground-income-instability-and-economic-insecurity-in-europe_9bffeba6-en.html
While in the rest of the world everyone is getting their act together and cooperating to improve well being for their own people.
It's a telling contrast.