Amen to your last sentence, brother, though unfortunately I don't see it happening out of the obvious reason that ANY settlement in which Russia is dictating the terms would in essence mean the end of the EU and of "Pax Americana" as we know it, and that is certainly unacceptable for the puppets of Londra/ Fashington occupying the power corridors in Brussels.

Hence, their only chance is to double down on their insane suicidal aggression, which is the precise manner in which all empires act... They have positioned themselves between the rock of a Russian military victory against an impotent and divided NATO and the hard place of escalating to the point of risking nuclear destruction. You and I know very well which path the delusional lunatic puppets are more willing and certain to take...

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While it is true that one part of my rational mind understands your concerns and agrees with your analysis, there is also another.

For that to speak its mind, you will need to wait for about 14 hours. I need to eat, sleep and then proof read (with spell check!).

BAC News has a special guest!

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