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"....NATO Secretary General Stotlenberg's call for member states to remove political restrictions on weapons provided to Ukraine being used to attack "Russia proper" is a simple ploy. The US wants Europe to continue its war versus Russia while it focusses on a national election and then turns towards ginning up the war with China which their idiotic, avaricious elite want....."

Stoltenberg is a tool, who Sy Hersh revealed in the Nordstrom story that he was a long-term "asset" of the US spooks. Basically he is not a European, but a sock puppet who says what they US tell him to say.

And what the US wants is for European nations to burn all their money on weapons sold by US weapons manufacturers, and throw the bodies of their children in the meat grinder on behalf of the US, and to be the sacrificial battle ground (Russian missiles very likely to hit Stockholm, Oslo, Warsaw or Berlin - Chicago and Wash DC, less likely).

There is nothing in this for Europe except self-destruction and vassaldom. It speaks volumes that there is no coherent pan-European mainstream political opposition to this suicidal march to war.

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