In your scenario I don't think there would be anything beyond Day 8 as that would be a general nuclear war and there would be little or no human life left on Russia, Europe and North America after that.
As for Scott Ritter, actually US law does not give their citizens the right to a passport, or - and this is really crazy - or the right to even enter the US if they are coming to a US border from outside. They have no rights all basically.
During my time listening to the EFF's lawyers I've learned that the border is a special zone in US law in which citizens have very few rights at all. This is not to mention section 1210 of the 2010 (?) NDAA which means the US government can lock anyone up whenever they want without charge and with no limit. I don't think they've used that yet.
What about the ZDay exploits that surely all involved nations have in their safe? Less theatrical than a supersonic missiles but potentially even more devastating...
In your scenario I don't think there would be anything beyond Day 8 as that would be a general nuclear war and there would be little or no human life left on Russia, Europe and North America after that.
As for Scott Ritter, actually US law does not give their citizens the right to a passport, or - and this is really crazy - or the right to even enter the US if they are coming to a US border from outside. They have no rights all basically.
During my time listening to the EFF's lawyers I've learned that the border is a special zone in US law in which citizens have very few rights at all. This is not to mention section 1210 of the 2010 (?) NDAA which means the US government can lock anyone up whenever they want without charge and with no limit. I don't think they've used that yet.
What about the ZDay exploits that surely all involved nations have in their safe? Less theatrical than a supersonic missiles but potentially even more devastating...